I have a friend locally who went to uGA. So in a disarmed sort of way since we know each other, he asked why and how a 3-9 team could make fun of a 11-2 team who nearly made the CFP. I said, imagine if Georgia Tech couldn’t play football worth a crap, so instead spent hundreds and hundreds of millions to try and become an elite school. And every year that new academic rankings came out we said “this will be the year”, yet we STILL couldn’t get anywhere despite pouring everything we had into it, uGA folks would laugh endlessly at us. This is akin to what they’ve done. For 134 straight years, they’ve never been the top school even in our own state. But if they can win football games, they gain an identity. They’ve just about sold their soul to the devil for it, and still can’t do it. I find it hilarious.