I miss Bobby!


Helluva Engineer
I got to watch Georgia Tech basketball at its greatest stretch from a young child to an adult. I miss those days watching that white headed man lead our team! Seeing us take down Duke or North Carolina on a school night before having to go to bed will always be cherished! One of my first memories watching basketball was seeing Tech take on Georgetown. Even though we lost to them I was forever hooked on Georgia Tech basketball. Making the final four in 90 was one of my most favorite Tech memories. If we could have beat UNLV, I just knew we would beat Duke! I got to meet Bobby at a touchdown club function at the Athens Holiday Inn of all places! He gave me a signed basketball and happened to have Tom Hammonds signature on it too. I really wish we could bring some of that magic back!


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
You and I are probably around the same age because I have just about the same memories of Cremins' glory years. Lethal weapon 3 days were around when I became a Tech fan. Where we differ may be in our recollection of the final years. It was clear his time here was up. It was certainly a fun ride while it lasted though.


Helluva Engineer
Bobby Cremins will always hold a special place in our heart. Special moments and memories that can never be forgotten. He also recruited and coached my favorite basketball player of all time - Matt Harpring.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I started at Tech the same year as Price and Salley. I thought Joseph had a good game against Ewing but it wasn't a great night for Price iirc.


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
You and I are probably around the same age because I have just about the same memories of Cremins' glory years. Lethal weapon 3 days were around when I became a Tech fan. Where we differ may be in our recollection of the final years. It was clear his time here was up. It was certainly a fun ride while it lasted though.

not sure if i agree with you re his time was up.

as i remember he went through a trefecta of bad occurences which zapped some of his enthusiasm imo. he certainly resumed his coaching career in charleston w/o much problem.

his biggest fan (his fater died). he did the usc flip flop. And a very deserving gt bb team was left off of the ncaa tourney. from what i remember the whole team had such a bad taste from this that they voted to not play in the nit that year.

of course this is from memory. so i may be off.