How soon is too soon to upgrade $$$ contracts with our OC & DC?


Helluva Engineer
How soon is too soon start the conversation b/w Batt and Key to upgrade the pay structure and contracts with our OC and DC in order to solidify a long term stability to what Key is building on the Flats? Geez Wade also should be a primary target to offer a big incentive/performance to solidify the future of what Key is building on Grant Field!
During the game it was floated by one of the commentators on how talented Stantucci (spelling?) is and how he won’t be at GT long because a big time school will lure him away for a opportunity to coach at a big time school for a little big time $$$! I wonder what Key, Batt, and Cab have in mind to keep this momentum going long term?


Helluva Engineer
Didn't we just give Buster a nice raise?

Edit to add: Pretty sure Santucci got a decent raise to come here from Duke, and his current contract escalates his pay should he stay with Tech for the next couple of seasons.
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