For curiosities sake, I went over and looked at da U's box scores for their last three games. Two - UVA and Puke - were very close games and in one instance - UVA - Miami had a clear stat advantage. BC, oth, simply treaded upon them. The Eagles beat them badly in every phase of the game, especially running the ball. That's sorta encouraging, but they have the best RB in the ACC. And the second best running attack.
The main thing I think we have going for us is that their O has really stunk up the joint since the game with UVA. Again, if we play a clean game with no more then 1 (one) turnover and the D plays as usual, I think we have a good chance to win. The 4 points in our favor looks about right if that happens. Another UNC and we'll lose. Let's not let that happen.