Harrison Butker - A Different Type of Thread


A few of you may recall how my mother (God rest her soul, 11/04/2022) and Harrison Butker's grandmother were best of friends. My mom was a great friend of GT. Husband, two brothers, a son, and a granddaughter are all grads. One brother played FB late 40's-early 50's.
I went over to one of my sister's home yesterday and frozen on her TV was a picture of Harrison Butker on Youtube. I had interrupted her watching a video of his. Long story short...this is a video of Harrison's faith journey. It is/was particularly pertinent that his journey got reenergized by a GT FB teammate of his. I hope you enjoy this.



Helluva Engineer
Back in 65 66 took Social Science class from older guy. It was a cool class and the guy was likely the head of dept. At this time I only remember things from class.
FIRST was a reflection the prof had of 2 students and eachs unique abilities. ( I used this in many business situations) One student was outgoing and strong. His play was effortless on the football field. In the classroom he would bend over in his chair squeezing his #2 pencil in an effort to get the words to come from his mind on to the paper.
The other student was slight and quiet. In the classroom he would smile as words effortlessly came thru his pencil on to the paper. Everyone has a gift. A good leader puts them in a position to use them.

The second thing the old prof did was give an extra credit pop quiz. He handed out pencil and centered stapled paper booklet. Then he said the test would require original thought and soley your own insight. Then we were asked to sign the booklet then put our head on desk. When we were quiet , he asked us to keep our head down for 5 minutes and silentlyvthink ofvour answer to his question. Y R U here? Not why are u at gt. Not some simple slogan. But deep in your heart YRU. It was one the longest 5 minutes of my life. Then prof said " Times Up. Turn in your pamplet as u leave. U all get an "A" on the quiz because u spent 5 minutes trying to answer the most important question of your life. Some of you will never do more forgetting this question and living out your life on auto pilot. Others will struggle and eventually find thier reason for being. Each has started on the path to wisdom." I thought that was a cool class. My auto pilot ended in 1988. IM is YUR


Helluva Engineer
I like that story alot but would you elaborate on "My auto pilot ended in 1988. IM is YUR"

n 88 i ceasèd being self tactical where i met the "unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run" ( Kipling) . Found myself seeking the answer to the earlier Why as i had great everything but was empty as if I had nothing.
Then came the light bulb moment. I knew was created infinitely complex but then realized I was created with "ability" to understand the concept of why. Surrendered to the calling of Jesus and have daily sought his plan for me ( Jeremiah 29:11-). The IM came from Gods name in moses and Jesus in John declaring "I am". Since the gt profs question could be shortened to Y - everyone can must answer so they must answer, R - there is reality physical and spiritual u can and must exam, U- know thy self, I shortened the I am to I M. So the I M is answer to YRU. Without IM you are like a ship w no compass. This came to me as a i cared for my agnostic marine vietnam buddy dying of cancer.

So the result of this is we are to try and fail and try and fail to "Love Others to the Point of Life Jesus Christ".
Hope that's a help to keep it simplex.
Please forgive me when i fall short. I had rejected the free gift of Jesus ao that i could still judge
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n 88 i ceasèd being self tactical where i met the "unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run" ( Kipling) . Found myself seeking the answer to the earlier Why as i had great everything but was empty as if I had nothing.
Then came the light bulb moment. I knew was created infinitely complex but then realized I was created with "ability" to understand the concept of why. Surrendered to the calling of Jesus and have daily sought his plan for me ( Jeremiah 29:11-). The IM came from Gods name in moses and Jesus in John declaring "I am". Since the gt profs question could be shortened to Y - everyone can must answer so they must answer, R - there is reality physical and spiritual u can and must exam, U- know thy self, I shortened the I am to I M. So the I M is answer to YRU. Without IM you are like a ship w no compass. This came to me as a i cared for my agnostic marine vietnam buddy dying of cancer.

So the result of this is we are to try and fail and try and fail to "Love Others to the Point of Life Jesus Christ".
Hope that's a help to keep it simplex.
Please forgive me when i fall short. I had rejected the free gift of Jesus ao that i could still judge
I understand now. Thanks.


Staff member
All, if there are people who want to talk about our former player's ability to use his football platform to do other things, there is a thin path for keeping this in the Football forum.

If you want to further discuss religion or politics beyond the scope of this thread's fit inside the football forum we would ask you create new threads in the appropriate forums (Lounge or Political Topics Threads)

If we can't stay on topic we'll move posts and lock this one.


All, if there are people who want to talk about our former player's ability to use his football platform to do other things, there is a thin path for keeping this in the Football forum.

If you want to further discuss religion or politics beyond the scope of this thread's fit inside the football forum we would ask you create new threads in the appropriate forums (Lounge or Political Topics Threads)

If we can't stay on topic we'll move posts and lock this one.
I admit and understand my error in adding the "FBI going after the Rad Trad Caths in Va." post but you don't think what has been posted otherwise is out of bounds, do you?


Staff member
I admit and understand my error in adding the "FBI going after the Rad Trad Caths in Va." post but you don't think what has been posted otherwise is out of bounds, do you?
Nope, I don't think there is an issue with the other content in the thread currently. Just pointing out there are places to debate the merits of political or religious discussions elsewhere in the forums.


Helluva Engineer
Nope, I don't think there is an issue with the other content in the thread currently. Just pointing out there are places to debate the merits of political or religious discussions elsewhere in the forums.
Way to keep us on track.

Could you ad some content to get it going in a good way.


Staff member
I think it’s interesting to discuss how people use their belief system to elevate their performance in a wide swath of activities.

For example, I spend a fair amount of time reflecting on some of the ancient stoic writings. The perspective I gain from that activity enables me to be a better father, husband and person.

Hearing about young men and women dedicating themselves to something bigger than themselves and using that dedication to dig deeper to execute athletic excellence is a great line of discussion.

Generally, I am saying if we can have these conversations without straying into proselytizing or denigrating religious, political or personal beliefs, I’m all for the discussion.

Also posting this as a user and not a blanket “mod decision” - others may disagree with me so if they do we’ll handle it like adults.

(Read: send each other mayfield flavors till someone relents and agrees to the other’s point of view).


Ramblin' Wreck
I think it’s interesting to discuss how people use their belief system to elevate their performance in a wide swath of activities.

For example, I spend a fair amount of time reflecting on some of the ancient stoic writings. The perspective I gain from that activity enables me to be a better father, husband and person.

Hearing about young men and women dedicating themselves to something bigger than themselves and using that dedication to dig deeper to execute athletic excellence is a great line of discussion.

Generally, I am saying if we can have these conversations without straying into proselytizing or denigrating religious, political or personal beliefs, I’m all for the discussion.

Also posting this as a user and not a blanket “mod decision” - others may disagree with me so if they do we’ll handle it like adults.

(Read: send each other mayfield flavors till someone relents and agrees to the other’s point of view).
Which stoic? Marcus Aurelius is both profound and a decent way to engage people with a intermediate understanding of Latin who aren't taken in by poetry.