Watching the replay. Unsung hero alert. Anybody notice the #get-bak! coach feverishly holding back the cresting tide of players, coaches, and other personnel spilling onto the field after the GWTD?
While our collective gazes were affixed to what can only be described as the finnest air-banjo solo since the ACC ball title game, the ref was reaching, ever so subtly, at his lonesome flag. The gb coach knew it was his time to shine.
Clad in a hotpink polo. 'GT' boldly emblazoned across the right of his barrel chest. Legs outstretched, stressing the limits of his shimmery chinos, his arms agape.
With every ounce of his being, that young man kept the Jackets from drawing that flag that would've, could've, should've given the devils just a few. more. yards to aid their comeback attempt.
I see you, gbc. Through teary eyes .... I see you, brother. You da real mvp ....
While our collective gazes were affixed to what can only be described as the finnest air-banjo solo since the ACC ball title game, the ref was reaching, ever so subtly, at his lonesome flag. The gb coach knew it was his time to shine.
Clad in a hotpink polo. 'GT' boldly emblazoned across the right of his barrel chest. Legs outstretched, stressing the limits of his shimmery chinos, his arms agape.
With every ounce of his being, that young man kept the Jackets from drawing that flag that would've, could've, should've given the devils just a few. more. yards to aid their comeback attempt.
I see you, gbc. Through teary eyes .... I see you, brother. You da real mvp ....