GT will be burning a redshirt vs VT


Georgia Tech Fan
Who can we expect at safety then Eric? Noble? Is Lynn Griffin going to safety for this game? Kind of surprised Corey Griffin is getting the go to be honest.

Edit: Noble was a stupid guess. He plays DB I think? It's confusing since every safety (except Isaiah) is listed as DB on Ramblinwreck.
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Retired Co-Founder
Why? With White, Thomas, Young, Griffin, Smith, and Noble you still have six DBs.

White, Thomas, Young and Griffin are all CB's.

Griffin use to be a S and practiced there not too long maybe he could play some S.

Realistically we're down to our 3rd string at S.


Retired Co-Founder
Who can we expect at safety then Eric? Noble? Is Lynn Griffin going to safety for this game? Kind of surprised Corey Griffin is getting the go to be honest.

Edit: Noble was a stupid guess. He plays DB I think? It's confusing since every safety (except Isaiah) is listed as DB on Ramblinwreck.

Noble is a S now.

I'm not sure if Lynn will slide over or not.


Helluva Engineer
I'd want to move Thomas back to Safety since he's played there before. That would make me a lot more comfortable. And let Young/White start at CB.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ said earlier in the week that Jemea Thomas can slide back to safety. I see him and Noble at safety for the game if need be. With Young and White manning the corners.


GT Athlete
Featured Member
Yeah, we're down to our 5th and 6th options at S. (Isaiah Johnson, Fred Holton, Jamal Golden, Chris Milton all down). I like Demon Smith and Noble, but it's not a good situation. Hope our defensive gameplan accounts for it and that those guys grow up fast.


Helluva Engineer
This makes me a bit nervous.
Off the Bench:
CB-White, L. Griffin
S-C. Griffin, C. Carlson

Pretty safe to say that if either of the safeties needs to be spelled, White will come in and we'll slide Thomas back.

Leonard Larramore

Jolly Good Fellow
The move does not make since. I have followed GT for the last two years. Griffin was a stud and then he go injured, I remembered speaking to my boy Marco Coleman and we were like Lynn Griffin is a beast. Unfortunately he got injured and that kind of ended his year. Coach Johnson stated that he would have played last year if it were not for his injury. He was a monster during the summer and spring. I asked one coach about Griffin and was told that he was positioned to be compete for the starting safety position. He was ahead of Demond and Dominque, Then the coach thought he could contribute better at corner because he can cover and lay a hit so they move him a week before the season. Now that he is needed at Safety, they burn the shirt of a freshman. What is going on? I attended the game against North Carolina and when Jemea was down I was thinking OK Griffin show us what you got! Then the kid PJ goes into the game. I am not the coach so I will respect his decision but I am looking at the replay on ESPN and there is a lot of confusion in the secondary. On plays where it is 3rd and short the corners are too deep. My boy who played corner for 9 years in the league made the same comment. Roof made great adjustments at the half but teams like Clemson, Georgia, and Fla State are going to try to bring the pain in the first half. Guys do not take this as a negative I just like good smart football. I am rooting for GT and I hate the Ga Mutts. See you guys tomorrow.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I am rooting for GT and I hate the Ga Mutts. See you guys tomorrow.

Sounds like you meet the requirements.

To the matter at hand, I was confused by this report as well since I've been looking for L. Griffin (gotta keep the Griffin boys straight) to hit the field this year. However, maybe it's not necessarily an indicator that LG has been bypassed. Could it be that CGriff is playing ST thus allowing LGriff to play on D?


Im a 3*
Sounds like you meet the requirements.

To the matter at hand, I was confused by this report as well since I've been looking for L. Griffin (gotta keep the Griffin boys straight) to hit the field this year. However, maybe it's not necessarily an indicator that LG has been bypassed. Could it be that CGriff is playing ST thus allowing LGriff to play on D?

With IJ redshirting and injuries in the DBs, I'm pretty sure LG workload and value has increased. If LJ was playing 4 STs they will probably be reduced to 2 or 1.


Helluva Engineer
Injuries are part of the game. That is why you recruit smart and create depth. The guys on defense in the 2nd half of the NC game threw a shutout! What more do you want? They can't do any better than that.

The guys who are healthy will play. End of story.

Leonard Larramore

Jolly Good Fellow
College Ball Fan

Let me try this again. I am sure everyone knows injuries are part of the game. I also commend coach Roof for his adjustments during the second half of both the Duke and North Carolina. I saw the adjustments and thought they were great! What I am pointing out is that against certain teams with better offenses you can may have to make the adjustments earlier because of the potency of the opposing teams offense. This goes for any team that plays. So don't take anything personal. I learned that on and off the field. I agree with your statement that guys who are healthy play but in some cases adjustments are made to place these guy in the right position. Hope you enjoy the game tomorrow. I definitely will. My prediction GT 35- VT 14


Jolly Good Fellow
Both UNC and Duke have very good offenses. Just look at what they have scored when not playing us. Also Bryn Renner is one of the top QB's in the country. He should be taking advantage of a week secondary, but did not. The one advantage against VT I think is their receivers are not as good so I think we should be ok.