Film Room GT v D 2018 Film Review


Missed assignments--YEP--and we have few inexperienced guys on Off.SAD ,very sad.

True. But if we had Camp taking his usual reps the blown assignments would have gone way down. And the blocking when assignments weren’t blown at WR....would have been vastly better.


Helluva Engineer
Missed assignments--YEP--and we have few inexperienced guys on Off.SAD ,very sad.
As I just pointed out elsewhere, except for QB and AB we actually don't have much O game experience on the field. Here's just the OL:

Lee: Was an OT. Has now started in 5 games at center, the toughest OL position on the field.

Hansen: His 3rd start is coming up.

Quinney: His 6th start is coming up.

Braun is the only OL with extensive experience we have had available regularly. Bryan and Marshall have been hurt in 3 games and Cooper has just come back to starting form from an injury. And, of course, all the backups have only had sporadic game experience. And we wonder that we get missed assignments in close games against good Ds.

This is hidden in games like the one at Louisville where the D didn't know what they were doing, but it has shown up in others. All we can do is hope that our experienced OLs get healthy and that the new kids continue to improve. We'll see next Thursday.


Helluva Engineer
As I just pointed out elsewhere, except for QB and AB we actually don't have much O game experience on the field. Here's just the OL:

Lee: Was an OT. Has now started in 5 games at center, the toughest OL position on the field.

Hansen: His 3rd start is coming up.

Quinney: His 6th start is coming up.

Braun is the only OL with extensive experience we have had available regularly. Bryan and Marshall have been hurt in 3 games and Cooper has just come back to starting form from an injury. And, of course, all the backups have only had sporadic game experience. And we wonder that we get missed assignments in close games against good Ds.

This is hidden in games like the one at Louisville where the D didn't know what they were doing, but it has shown up in others. All we can do is hope that our experienced OLs get healthy and that the new kids continue to improve. We'll see next Thursday.

Why was Bryan not starting at rt last week?
He s been well and he even made the program. Lee played a lot as well.

What about the r jr Morgan twins ?

Coach literally chased the walk on rt down the sidelines after the first series. ( by way the players dont mind this all that much) . The first series was thrown away by starting the wrong people.

Stuff like this cant be good for the locker room.

Imo WB should start at rg (he played their - v t 17 on the 2 long td drives. ). He should rotate w hansen and spell marshall . Hansen should come in when games slows down ( like shamire did).



Helluva Engineer
It's weird, but after watching the replay, I feel better about our performance than I did after the game. It's disappointing the team keeps finding ways to shoot itself in the foot, because I still believe they are much better than their record indicates. I'm glad we play on Thursday because I'm ready to get Duke in the rearview mirror.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
The offensive scheme is better than the record. The players are better than the record. The execution as it pertains to the players doing the right assignment and fumbling is what the record is...

The defense will get better. I worry that Sewak and the fumbling will not get better.


Helluva Engineer
The offensive scheme is better than the record. The players are better than the record. The execution as it pertains to the players doing the right assignment and fumbling is what the record is...

The defense will get better. I worry that Sewak and the fumbling will not get better.
In Coach's heated post game presser he mentioned there were line calls being made contrary to what was meant to be called. I am hoping this can be explained in tonight's radio show. He definitely seemed to imply that the backside LB shooting the gap was supposed to be blocked the majority of the game. I don't think this caused us to lose, but I hope moving forward this is not an issue.

I need to go back and watch some of the old offensive play videos and see how often we are keeping on the midline. I must be mistaken, because I can't recall a time we have actually kept. The play @Big Philly calls out at 22:30 looks like a home run. Also, the block by our LT is absolutely disgusting. Gets under the pads of the LB and just demolishes him.


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
Welcome back @Longestday glad to see the video posted. My wife and I just had our first baby (a girl who has already been dressed in white and gold). We get released from the hospital today so am looking forward to watching this one we get the little one settled at home.

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Congratulations, I have a little girl on the way. Due March 6th

Big Philly

Jolly Good Fellow
Seattle, WA
I need to go back and watch some of the old offensive play videos and see how often we are keeping on the midline. I must be mistaken, because I can't recall a time we have actually kept. The play @Big Philly calls out at 22:30 looks like a home run. Also, the block by our LT is absolutely disgusting. Gets under the pads of the LB and just demolishes him.

First Touchdown vs. Louisville



Georgia Tech Fan
So many times it seems like we are so close but 1 guy either has wrong assignment or is a little late.

It is easy to see why we can be so good and so bad.

Still like to see TM pitch more often, but....