GT’s wealthiest alum

Deleted member 2897


Thanks for sharing! I am proud of our long and positive history with respect to diversity and achievement at Tech.

Deleted member 2897

Idk but if I were GT I’d be solidly giving her the VIP treatment, having her speak to recruits, and basically milking her for all the exposure and branding potential you could muster.

Her family still lives in GA, & she sits on the board at Spelman.

I know this is a sports board, but you're right on the money - she is a Tech woman through and through you can tell - smart as a tack, hard working, rose to the top to build her own company.


Idk but if I were GT I’d be solidly giving her the VIP treatment, having her speak to recruits, and basically milking her for all the exposure and branding potential you could muster.

Her family still lives in GA, & she sits on the board at Spelman.

Absolutely. Roll out red carpet, get her back on campus as much as possible, get her in front of our current students, especially our ladies.

Great role model with perspectives on how to succeed, avoid complacency, keep striving for bigger goals, and succeed at the highest levels while balancing children / young family. She is living breathing proof that the American Dream is possible. And she’s still so young.

And if we can get her hooked on some sports in the process......(maybe she already is I dunno) and fan her flames of fandom....couldn’t hurt.

Maybe we can run her against Trump while we are at it :D


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA

Wonder if she donates to GT Alumni or GTAA. Bet she does to the school for sure if she makes reference to G.T. for her undergrad work.