Freedom From Religion Foundation Against D-Mo

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Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
This thread needs a good nuke bomb. Politics and religion =/= football.
@TheTaxJacket you are right - let's talk football. The following quote is taken from FFRF post.

"FFRF also sent an informational letter to players on the Georgia Tech team to inform them of their constitutional rights."

IMHO this issue is a distraction that our players/coaches/support staff do not need to deal with 2 weeks before the start of football season. I find the timing of their letters to Dr. Peterson and the players to be suspect and questionable.


Staff member
I hope everyone here understands that none of our beliefs nor opinions posted here will change how President Peterson responds. If you feel strongly about this one way or another, I'd suggest you contact Bud directly.

This thread will be left up for awareness purposes for anyone that cares. However, this is not the best place to "debate" this topic so this thread will be locked.

Please PM one of the mods if there are any noteworthy developments about this issue and we can update it as needed.

Thanks for your understanding.

Thanks to @AlabamaBuzz for the following update from the President's office:

Thank you for writing to President Peterson to express your opinion. The official statement from the Institute is as follows.

The Georgia Tech Athletic Association (GTAA) contracts with an independent
consultant to provide support to Georgia Tech student athletes in their spiritual and personal development as a part of the Athletic Association Total Person Program ( ).

The consultant’s compensation is paid by the GTAA, an independent non-profit organization. No funds from either the state of Georgia nor Georgia Tech are used to compensate the consultant. The Athletic Association is pleased with the services and support provided by its consultant.

We appreciate your support.
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