Football Fund Raising


Ramblin' Wreck
constant negativity? Dude step back and look at the state of our AA. Read the articles on bobinski; and CPJ's opinion. Stuff that is normally internal is spilling publicly. I am not negative without cause. Go talk to people at the AA and see how they are ...its not good.

Its not constant negativity. Everyone needs to get thicker skin. Pointing out issues etc for resolution is the point here.

We have enough cheerleaders. If we didn't I would be a cheerleader too. I chose to post and focus on areas we as fans can apply pressure to improve...instead people tell me I hate GT and gt football, only to be proven by articles released over time...that I was right.

We need to call the presidents office and say enough is enough.
It all starts at the top and every entity has its place. If the president doesn't care about football or at least give the AD the power and resources he needs to run a successful program things will stay like they are. The GTAA has its place as a support group and should have an organized fundraising arm. The head football coach and AD need to be able to control the GTAA and the big donors and they can't do that without the president's support. The GTAA and AD shouldn't be making football coaches decisions either.


Helluva Engineer
My point is why should it be done on a haphazard basis? I know how and I know I can call and I do contribute but why should there not be a alum/season ticket holder/fan ORGANIZED ongoing focused fund raising? Instead of crapping on the Hill why don't you, like others are doing, get involved in what WE can do to make the program we support the best. It's easy to gripe and moan and blame the Hill. It's even easier to take steps to help.

Spot on again. If WE want to legally raise money for the football team, why the heck would the Hill get their noses bent out of shape? (Except jealousy & greed of course)

This needs to be done, can be done, and must be done.

Still say - F EM.


Helluva Engineer
go ahead and be upbeat? Where did I ever post to you saying you should not be excited? Where have I ever told a fan how to be, although, people love to tell me how I should be. It is just the usa today I guess. Fall in line or you are "wrong"

I love this program and our mission a ton. I enjoy to hell these games and what we set to do each year. But good lord we have areas that can simply be improved to be a better unit and we don't do them. We hire poorly and don't support the AA like we should. If my evil mission is to make fans aware of this so we can apply pressure to improve so be it!!

I can only imagine, in your service to the AA and the board you chaired, the number of times you just wanted to scream to high heaven!

But here we are -

Do you think the OP idea has merit?
Can such fundraising (and then a direct donation to football) be done. And without the Hill overriding efforts?
Would the AA, by NCAA or GT rules, have to have these come in a certain time every month or once a year.
What do you think is the best way to do this?

I just think it is something we can do as fans in some way - without the alum association, the Hill, the Prez, the profs, or someone in the GTAA screwing it up.
Augusta, GA
I can only imagine, in your service to the AA and the board you chaired, the number of times you just wanted to scream to high heaven!

But here we are -

Do you think the OP idea has merit?
Can such fundraising (and then a direct donation to football) be done. And without the Hill overriding efforts?
Would the AA, by NCAA or GT rules, have to have these come in a certain time every month or once a year.
What do you think is the best way to do this?

I just think it is something we can do as fans in some way - without the alum association, the Hill, the Prez, the profs, or someone in the GTAA screwing it up.
There is already an Alexander-Tharpe fund that is separate from the ticket fee, although I think ticket fees go into that fund. I get annual statements from the AT Fund. They just need to push it more as a means to helping out Tech athletics across the board. And, as far as I know, the Hill has no say in that fund at all. AND it is tax deductable.


Jolly Good Fellow
@33jacket Thank you for your service. I understand your frustration. I was an early disciple of Ryan Gravel and the Atlanta Beltline. It always disheartened me to constantly fight misinformation spewed by the AJC. But the reason why the Beltline works (in addition to being a once in a lifetime opportunity with an awesome plan) is that we got people to buy-in. It's hard to put in the amount of work that you must have put in and not see change, while also seeing common folks like us spew vile and call for change. Just keep in mind that the only way to create change is getting people like us to buy-in and contribute our time, money, and influence. It's a thankless job, so again, really, thank you.

@OldJacketFan thanks for spearheading this conversation and stating your willingness to help.

GTSwarm is a special community to me. I was a broke grad student when I found it. I could barely afford food, let alone a subscription to rivals. So when i found a site that was free (subscription and ads) and had the best information provided by the superhuman Eric, I was so appreciative. We've had so many awesome discussions on this board. I really think it has helped with recruiting and with connecting alumni, students, athletes, families of athletes, and sidewalk fans. If a few people (what's gtswarm's creation story?) can create this community on this site, maybe all of us can work together to create something more valuable, something that structurally changes the way our school operates its AA department.

We all agree that GT is better off with sports. We all agree that we can be much better about how we run the AA. We're smart people who can tap into powerful networks. We have a medium that allows us to communicate for free. And, the one thing Atlanta and GT does better than anyone is form collaborations that are mutually beneficial to parties who may have opposing interests. See, Civil Rights Movement, GT's Co-Op Program, GT-Emory Biomed, 1996 Olympics, Atlanta Beltline, ATDC, etc., etc.

I work in gov't affairs. I have a background in finance and law. I don't have money yet to contribute, but I do have time and specialized knowledge. I know how to lobby, I know how to research, I know how to put pressure on public officials who may stand in our way (I also work with 2 former UGA football players. Very bright guys. I've converted them into GT fans. And i've gained a respect for UGA. UGA and GT don't have to be enemies in all aspects of life. In fact, collaboration between the two schools could make us both better off. there's still room for clean old fashion hate, of course. But our worries about GA's influence with the BOR may be overblown). How can I help? How can we GTSwarm members work together to make GT Sports great again (sorry, it's just such a catchy phrase).


Helluva Engineer
There is already an Alexander-Tharpe fund that is separate from the ticket fee, although I think ticket fees go into that fund. I get annual statements from the AT Fund. They just need to push it more as a means to helping out Tech athletics across the board. And, as far as I know, the Hill has no say in that fund at all. AND it is tax deductable.

You are correct, but ik think the OP is on to something as regards a system that will have more impact or make a bigger splash.


Jolly Good Fellow
go ahead and be upbeat? Where did I ever post to you saying you should not be excited? Where have I ever told a fan how to be, although, people love to tell me how I should be. It is just the usa today I guess. Fall in line or you are "wrong"

I love this program and our mission a ton. I enjoy to hell these games and what we set to do each year. But good lord we have areas that can simply be improved to be a better unit and we don't do them. We hire poorly and don't support the AA like we should. If my evil mission is to make fans aware of this so we can apply pressure to improve so be it!!
Never give in to the tyranny of the majority, good sir. I stand with you.

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I often disagree with 33 about a number of issues...primarily Roof and coaching staff evaluations. I don't doubt his love or loyalty for GT though. I can disagree with someone and still respect them. And counter points to my opinions are valuable. Otherwise ones own notions are rarely expanded. Let's try to keep our disagreements from getting ain't always easy. I find myself being a tad too snarky at times also.

One thing we can all agree on...Too Hell with UGA....piss on em...and MBOB too.