Georgia Tech fans, like our ACC brethren, have champagne tastes on a beer budget. You cannot be excellent without passion. We vent our frustrations out on coaches/assistants/even our own athletes at times (which shouldn't happen imo) when they are handcuffed. I do believe we operate under self imposed constraints. The biggest obstacle to our success is not calculus or curriculum but that we (the GT school administration and fans) lack the will to do more than what we have done over the last 60 years. Our "plan" for success is to catch lightning in a bottle like we did with Coach Ross.
Given the desire to truly succeed by all, the things we consider as obstacles can be overcome. But we switch coaches, point our fingers over and over again...rinse, lather, repeat. We are akin to the guy who is in his sixth marriage complaining about how there aren't any good women out there. I do not know if it is amusing or sad or both.