This should also bring up the conversation about whether college athletes should be paid, especially when you consider the amount of money that is being spent/made.
Except those millions being spoken about in the article is spent money - there is no way the AA's are going to cut existing expenses to leave money for the SA. Coach's salaries, facilities, recruiting budgets - these costs are not going to go down. Money to pay the athletes will have to come from new revenues and cutting the non-revenue sports.
New revenues means that tickets & student athletic fees and everything you buy that advertises during a game will cost more.
CFB ain't free - hasn't been in a hundred years. We consumers pay for it all - whether we like CFB or not. If you are reading my words you at least get to receive the enjoyment of the games.
E.$EC.PN may be the visible mechanism that is "ruining" bowl games, it is however, money that is the real culprit. Adding more money (more bowl games, paying SA's) is probably going to make things we hate about sports worse.