DJ held on big Chubb run in first half


Helluva Engineer
big time obvious no-call.

Yeah, I know, long time ago, but what the heck, not much to talk about right now.


ps. Somebody overruns the play really bad, too.

So the mutts get credit for a big play when it resulted from a bad hold and and a bad misplay. Yeah, that's about right. What I really like is the hustle play at the end that eventually prevents a score!


Helluva Engineer
Not sure if he makes the play anyway. The bigger missed holding call was on their fake FG. Our defender (Golden IIRC) reacted to the fake and had beaten the blocker (Rome IIRC) and was in position to drop him short of the 1st down line. Rome falls over an proceeds to pull Golden down on top of him. It rivaled the "fumble" as the most puzzling no call of the game for me. How do you get a "great block" (according to the announcers) as you're falling to the ground? Luckily our defense limits them to a FG there, but basically all their 2nd half points came off of extremely suspect officiating.


Helluva Engineer
Those highlights were painful to watch, the announcer and guy who made that were obviously UGA fans..... and man get that play by play guy some coffee, he had no excitement