Deadspin Top 25 & Bud Foster was thinking about fining players


Georgia Tech Fan
I dislike starting threads so I combined two into one.


Second, I've been following the top 25 (see background below--not your typical top 25) because the write-ups are pretty entertaining and somewhat fair.

What is more likely, that GT is left out of the top 25 or is in the top 6?

As background, Deadspin did a reader poll of top 25 and agreed to do a detailed write-up of each team the site's readers, as a whole, put in the top 25.

Notables not yet written up:
OSU, BAMA, Oregon, Michigan State, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Tennessee.

I think the first four I noted are automatics, with Wisconsin seeming very unlikely. I'll be tied up the next few days but wanted to inform the folks here.

Check out the Clemson, ND and FSU write-ups if you so choose--at the very least, they are entertaining, though they do state that the ACC is the worst of the P5.


Jolly Good Fellow
Ha ha ha - DA Foster proving again exactly why he ISN'T hc material. Even if you felt that way, why say it? Hey Buddy-boy, you've been stewing in the Blacksburg coal mine dust too long. Watch where you want fines - some VT fans might want your a$$ fined for things like losing to ECU, Wake and BC all in one year!!!!


Jolly Good Fellow
"No. The Tigers may get lucky and somehow win the Atlantic, but they’re not close to being better than Georgia Tech..."

I like that quote from the Clemson writeup. Also, they mention that we are a top 10 team, so that spoils the fact that we are in their top 6.


Georgia Tech Fan
" so that spoils the fact that we are in their top 6.

That's not really how it works, which is why this is interesting. The readers vote and the writers provide a detailed write-up of the teams voted upon. The write-up is not dependent on how the readers voted, only that a particular team was voted into the top 25. The same writer also says FSU will probably win the ACC, and FSU is 9--point being, the guy who wrote the words may think GT is top 10, but he has no meaningful vote in the poll.

If you are right, then it is even more interesting because a group of non-SEC biased sports fans on an extremely popular sports site will have voted GT in the top 6, higher than any other site in the country of which I am aware.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
We are in the top 6 - of teams most worthy of writing about. Because we are different.

Write-ups are fun. Thanks.

And don't know why you combined these two posts, but VT is a dumpster fire right now according to most VT fans around here. Like Meat Loaf, they're just waiting for the end of time (or Beamer).


Helluva Engineer
I quit reading when I saw Michigan was ranked..... Could be because I hate that school as much as the school in Athens but that's just me.
To reiterate...the list is not their actual "top 25", just the 25 teams the readers asked them to write about. The guy wrote that we're a top 10 team but that's by his estimation on how we'll actually play this year, not where we'll appear on this list.


Helluva Engineer
The AD at VT has already said that it's not going to happen and will address this today. Besides it's against the NCAA rules and will be a violation.
Shouldn't hurt in trying to recruit against them..."those guys want to take away your living expenses" is a pretty good argument against them in terms of caring about the player.


Helluva Engineer
Flint Michigan
To reiterate...the list is not their actual "top 25", just the 25 teams the readers asked them to write about. The guy wrote that we're a top 10 team but that's by his estimation on how we'll actually play this year, not where we'll appear on this list.
I know. I just hate Michigan.


Helluva Engineer
The AD at VT has already said that it's not going to happen and will address this today. Besides it's against the NCAA rules and will be a violation.
Apparently Tommy Tuberville is going to try to do this at Cincy as well...saying it's allowed for "code of conduct" violations like academic fraud and DUI.