Crazy Fans


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Lets see... No other offense every gets stuffed. No game ever has low scores. Only the spread option is venerable to have a off night when facings a good defense.

The QB is bad? Have you lost your mind?

I know you are butt hurt, but GT is 3 and 1 with the single loss to a top 5 team. We might be a 7 and 5 team, and we may be a 11 and 2 team. The season is not over.

We are a bunch of fanatics and some of us have no clue. I'll never forget the guy last week yelling at coach to stop passing.


Helluva Engineer
Thanks Longestday. Thats basically what I told my co-workers today who were trying to give me a hard time. There is a lot of football left to be played. Time to take down Miami. I'll be there cheering loud and proud. Go Jackets!
Hopefully your co- workers are UGA fans, and you can go into work on Monday after they get blown out on Saturday and just give them a wink and say good game.


Helluva Engineer
Coach said at half time-sifeline interview -got to block better and get more creative .
I am glad that we met defensive juggernaut in the 4 th game. This could spur us to make some adjustments.

Walking out of Dodd and up and then into the varsity, we were totally surrounded by Clemson fans. They were without exception friendly and pleasant. As I was standing in the sea of orange wating to order I was overcome with a really bad feeling. I thought what if ugawhips us like Clemson did? How would the dog fans act out? At that point I left for hotel.

I am glad coach is getting ready for Georgia.
Coach said he would Fix 15.
He was and I was embarrassed. We played hard but got out schemed using superior talent. I trust coach to do some thinking & continue fixing 15.

Defense is big concern with miami (Power run and more accurate passer and team with chip on shoulder).


Jolly Good Fellow
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Georgia isn't even close to as good or as well coached a s Clemson.

Coach said at half time-sifeline interview -got to block better and get more creative .
I am glad that we met defensive juggernaut in the 4 th game. This could spur us to make some adjustments.

Walking out of Dodd and up and then into the varsity, we were totally surrounded by Clemson fans. They were without exception friendly and pleasant. As I was standing in the sea of orange wating to order I was overcome with a really bad feeling. I thought what if ugawhips us like Clemson did? How would the dog fans act out? At that point I left for hotel.

I am glad coach is getting ready for Georgia.
Coach said he would Fix 15.
He was and I was embarrassed. We played hard but got out schemed using superior talent. I trust coach to do some thinking & continue fixing 15.

Defense is big concern with miami (Power run and more accurate passer and team with chip on shoulder).


Helluva Engineer
I suggest everyone watches a game today between two teams that you don't have a personal interest in.

Things you'll see better if you aren't mad about it:

Every defense cushions WRs for an easy gain/first down.
Every offense has miscues that cause 3 and outs.
Most teams try trick plays at least once. They go bad a lot of the time too.
Every coach is angry.


Helluva Engineer
I don't mind losing. GT will find it hard to consistently win against teams like Clemson, UGA, Miami, FSU...factory type recruiting schools. That's fine, I've accepted what and who we are.

It's how we lost that bothers me. Sloppy execution, fundamental football errors, situational awareness...just the same issues that plagued our team last year coming back to hurt us. After a while, you can't blame youth and inexperience over and over.

It looked like an FCS team playing a P5 team Thursday. Unfortunately, we were the FCS team. If it wasn't for one of the best QBs in the country having an off night, it could have been a LOT uglier.

Hopefully we get back to work and iron out all the things that hurt us against Clemson. We've still got UGA, Miami, VT...teams with talent close to or equal to Clemson. Still early in the season. We can still win our Division and have a nice season.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN

This was my ONE true aggravation from Thursday night ...... Sloppy execution, fundamental football errors, situational awareness, getting out athleted it one thing, these things are another. Thank goodness those can be corrected! I can handle losing to a better team as long as I see a team who doesn't just beat themselves. I was one who was overwrought after the game. Having gone back and looked at I did see a lot of thing, especially on the D, I was pleased with! On to next Saturday and an arse kicking of the duh u!


Helluva Engineer
I don't think people are mad about the trick play. I think people are upset it didn't work, but what we were doing wasn't working. That play showed me coach is willing to do anything to get the win. Clemson safety made a heads up play because if he wasn't there that's 6 points. Sure the throw could have been better etc. Execution was a C+ but that's fine when it works


Helluva Engineer
I think that for most of us discouaged fans this isn't just about one bad game, it's been going on for over a year now and what's most dissapointing is that no changes seem to have been made, the blocking still mostly looks like crap. BC and Clem have crushed our base offense. Good Defenses beating our offense is starting to become normal instead of a rare occurance like LSU, Iowa etc in the past.

Auburn (262 yards/16 1st downs) and Troy (386/21) way outperformed us (124/11) offensively vs. Clemson. We barely outperformed SC State's offensive performance (102/9). Thats pathetic.

I'm not saying fire Cpj or anything like that i love the guy and his attitude, i love our team and our offense when it works. When is it going to start working again against a good team? Hopefully next Saturday, Go Jackets!

Old South Stands

Jolly Good Fellow
Lets see... No other offense every gets stuffed. No game ever has low scores. Only the spread option is venerable to have a off night when facings a good defense.

The QB is bad? Have you lost your mind?

I know you are butt hurt, but GT is 3 and 1 with the single loss to a top 5 team. We might be a 7 and 5 team, and we may be a 11 and 2 team. The season is not over.

We are a bunch of fanatics and some of us have no clue. I'll never forget the guy last week yelling at coach to stop passing.

Read Mark Bradley the day after the Clemson game, and he was basically calling CPJ out for the 'disaster' of a game, suggesting that he may be on a short leash with the new AD hire.... After the way Mr Bradley beat the drums to have Mark Richt run out of Athens (don't like UGA but like Coach Richt) and was one of the loudest voices in getting Coach Gregory fired after his best season, I decided never to read one of his columns ever again if I could help it. Was curious as to what he had to say about Coach Johnson after the Clemson game and was utterly disgusted. He used to be a good columnist many years ago, had a lot of positive things to say. But now it seems like he enjoys getting coaches fired. Don't know what's the matter down at the AJC. Don't like reading Steve Hummer's columns anymore either... Sorry for the rant...

As far as the game went, didn't think the Jackets had much of a chance Thursday unless a lot of things went right for them and if Clemson played the way they did against Auburn. Didn't know if their game the previous Saturday was a good indication of how good they were, playing against an inferior FCS opponent, but it looks like Clemson is the real deal again. The only major critique I'd have of the Yellow Jackets on Thursday night would be that they looked sleepy and not fired up from the very first play of the game. (Clemson looked lackluster, too, which is telling as to how good their athletes really are). Tech didn't come out with the kind of fire that they did when they beat FSU last year in the whiteout. But it looked like they made good adjustments in the 2nd half. Though it doesn't mean anything in the final tally, they did limit Clemson to just field goal and won the half 7-3. Two cringeworthy plays were the interception Mills threw (when he was beginning to gash Clemson with nice running gains) and the long run by Mills that was negated by the holding penalty. Those could have been potential momentum changers.

The fans seemed to be in the game from the first whistle all the way to the final snap. None of the long faces you saw much of last season. They probably sensed (like the TV announcers said) that this Tech team is already an improvement over last year's team and that they didn't quit against a superior opponent. The blocking needs fixing among other things, but some of the bad play can be expected following a 3-win season... Tech just lost to a top-5 team, while UGA is currently getting manhandled by the #23 squad. Wonder what the AJC columnists will think about that...


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, Georgia
I still remember a really good team that lost to Duke and UNC one year. They turned out all right.

All is not lost - but we have to get better executing. With that said - they boys realized what it's like to face fast, physical guys. It can only help them realize they have to execute to win.