CPJ Radio Show 9/30

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
Sometimes ATL1 says interesting things or makes decent comments so I have not blocked him myself. But he also has a penchant for blasting off exaggerated opinions which can derail discussions (hence be troll-like as above).

I agree with you Tempest in that CPJ's criticisms have not focused solely on Vad. It is typical of fans to identify a team or at least an offense with its QB. But head coaches do not make that mistake. Similarly when he says he is going to "give Justin more chances in games" he is not telling Vad to "pack up his gear from his locker and transfer." Ha!


Helluva Engineer
I think Vad has the "it" factor. And JT is just an amazing athlete jmo.

That being said. It almost feels like CPJ is saying VL is not running my offense the way I want him to so I am gonna give JT his shot...

Hmmm. I thought CPJ brought in the Diamond and other pistol formations to complement Vad's skill set?

And yet we ran the Diamond on 5 times against UNC and 0 times against VT...

We ran it at least 15 to 20 times against Duke and it flourished...

Is CPJ just being stubborn? Unwilling to rely on different offensive schemes or sets? Is he somewhat loosing patience too quickly on one of the most talented QBs in all of college football?


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I think CPJ likes Vad but is more comfortable with JT's style. This does not mean that JT is more proficient or expert at the option than Vad. Vad is more reaction, big, athletic, make something out of nothing. JT seems more of a follow the game plan and learn the steps.

There is not enough information for anyone to be logically calling for JT to replace Vad, but there is reason to give JT a series ( if anything else to make sure he is ready if we need him).

Vad is right where I thought he would be... ok at the option, make something out of nothing more often than not, and passes better than Tevin but is not a great passer yet.


Helluva Engineer
On the topic of VL vs JT: CPJ has said "we" our bad at running the option. Not that VL is bad at running the option. I'm not sure why we seemed to have regressed in that department but we have. I think don't switching VL for JT is just going to magically solve that problem over night. That being said that doesn't also mean VL is completely blameless either.

+1 People seem to think putting JT under center will make our team block better. If JT was the QB against VPI he probably would have tried to beat them with his legs more than his arm and he would have been caught because there were no lanes in which to run


Helluva Engineer
I wonder if part of the blame for why we're not good at the option right now is all the time we're spending on the new stuff in practice? CPJ has hinted as much. He's stated that if the guys want to run more shotgun/diamond, they better get better at the base first.

There's no doubt that personnel changes at qb and aback have set us back in the option to some degree. Vad is no where near where Tevin was in game management, reading/decision making, speed of execution (different from foot speed), footwork, ball handling, ball security, etc. We miss Orwin badly at Aback. His running is missed greatly, but more importantly, Godhigh has emerged as our best runner so who does that leave as our best blocker..... Godhigh? How does he do both?


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
I'm not a fan of the 2 QB system, but I say whoever has the best week of practice give them the start. They will both practice harder and play herder. If the starter struggles in the first quarter, put in the other and see if he takes command. JMO

As of right now we have 2 second string QBs battling for the starters job, so we need to give them both a shot until one sets themself apart from the other. Whether that be JT or Vad, I like Vad but he's not playing on a high enough level to say he's a legitimate starter to give him the rest of the year to get better. What if he doesn't pull away from JT? Then we'll be in the same boat next year, as we are right now. Except will have a lot of young guys on defense and won't be able to rely on them as much as we can this year. Give JT a shot if he is beating Vad in practice on a consistent basis.
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Jolly Good Fellow
I think you guys are missing the point... We could have a 5th year RS senior who has won 3 Hiesman trophies under center but if the other 10 guys that are out their with him aren't playing well it's not going to matter... I think if Vad was the problem we would see a change.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I don't think many people are calling for JT to replace Vad. I know I am not... but I would not mind seeing him run a series.

Many people have also backed off of Vad as he did not loose the VT game. The offense lost the VT game with false starts, missed/bad blocks, and less than top of your game play.


Helluva Engineer
I guess I watched a different version of the VT at GT game than a lot of you.

The game I watch the GT OL missed a ton of blocks, the AB's missed a ton of blocks and the WR missed a ton of blocks. And a pat on the back for the defense as they played a hell of a game.


Jolly Good Fellow
I am not 100% sold either way on the qb controversy and I think it still needs time to play out but CPJ does need to play both in game situations so we can really tell. I am also not fully sold on VL having the it factor just yet. He simply hadn't done enough to say that. He definitely is the most vocal qb we have had here in many years and that can be a plus but not sure if that means he is a winner just yet. I didn't see him really rise under pressure the other night. Who is to say JT wouldn't have performed better under pressure ??

Anyways, not saying either qb is better than the other yet but to me it tells a lot if CPJ is not fully onboard the VL train since he had had a full year more to learn this offense. I think the next game or two will tell a ton if both get ample reps.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I think you guys are missing the point... We could have a 5th year RS senior who has won 3 Hiesman trophies under center but if the other 10 guys that are out their with him aren't playing well it's not going to matter... I think if Vad was the problem we would see a change.

It IS a TEAM game...


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I don't think many people are calling for JT to replace Vad. I know I am not... but I would not mind seeing him run a series.

Many people have also backed off of Vad as he did not loose the VT game. The offense lost the VT game with false starts, missed/bad blocks, and less than top of your game play.

Penalties were just too much to overcome, frustrating for alll (team, coanches and fans).

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
The penalties have to get a lot of the blame. I can't remember a game with 4 false starts and they had twice that number. Plus 2 turnovers with 0 takeaways.


Helluva Engineer
I actually felt bad for Shaq, he is usually our best OL, but I remember his expression after his 2nd false start penalty of sheer disappointment in himself.

I can't explain it, I don't know why it happened, but the coaches are responsible. However some games you are just out of sync.

I think one of Coach Johnson's strongest points is that he honestly doesn't care about another person's opinion and he is kinda a *****. Much like Nick Saban, but the problem that I see is that no every person is motivated through these means.

Some people you need to simply put your arm around, tell them it will be ok, and get ready to go next time. Some people will run through a wall when you do this.

I see coach yelling at our players, I don't see him encouraging them

And before you blast, just look at how much pub Richt has gotten for his hugs of both Mettenberg and Murray. The idiots on 680 were going on and on and on about how if they had a son, that is where they would want to send them.


Ramblin' Wreck
The idiots on 680 were going on and on and on about how if they had a son, that is where they would want to send them.

I hate dwags, but I can respect Richt as a person. Dwag fans will go on about how they love his character, but remember this: they love his character as long as he is winning. Winning is the first priority. The character stuff is just a nice cherry on top when things are going well. When things go poorly ('08, '09), you hear a lot "he's too soft" or "he should go lead another Bible study". People could not care less about a coach's personality as long as he wins football games.

I am not saying you don't know this already. Just making a general comment.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I hate dwags, but I can respect Richt as a person. Dwag fans will go on about how they love his character, but remember this: they love his character as long as he is winning. Winning is the first priority. The character stuff is just a nice cherry on top when things are going well. When things go poorly ('08, '09), you hear a lot "he's too soft" or "he should go lead another Bible study". People could not care less about a coach's personality as long as he wins football games.

I am not saying you don't know this already. Just making a general comment.
99.9999% right! :D

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
There are UGA fans in my own extended family who think UGA has a too harsh drug policy that hamstrings them compared to other SEC teams. You can find fans supporting any kind of position you want to find supported. They are just humans after all.