Corey Dennis


Helluva Engineer
Good for him. It looks like he is seeing the field more at Ohio State than he did here.
Funny line, but unfair. He was a starter late and saw a lot of time in the Orange Bowl. Must have been fun for all but it does seem an awful lot of money for Meyer to risk in a goalline drill. His aides make a lot more than at GT. Of couse GAs are cannon fodder anyway.


Helluva Engineer
Corey actually saw a lot of time at GT. He didn't got a lot of passes thrown his way, but he was one of the better blocking WRs during his time here.

On another note, I wonder if Corey sits in offensive meetings and draws up hybrid flex option and Urban Meyer spread option plays. Urban is actually BIG on promoting within, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Corey move up pretty quickly with Meyer. Of course, it doesn't hurt having an inside track to the head coach.

Would be a pretty cool story to see him become HC here one day.


Helluva Engineer
Corey actually saw a lot of time at GT. He didn't got a lot of passes thrown his way, but he was one of the better blocking WRs during his time here.

On another note, I wonder if Corey sits in offensive meetings and draws up hybrid flex option and Urban Meyer spread option plays. Urban is actually BIG on promoting within, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Corey move up pretty quickly with Meyer. Of course, it doesn't hurt having an inside track to the head coach.

Would be a pretty cool story to see him become HC here one day.
Betcha he doesn't complain about his idiot boss when he goes home at night.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I was talking to Bud Peterson and he was telling me that when he was 40 years old, Kansas State had a alumni versus current team scrimmage and he suited up. He separated his shoulder and his wife was ready to kill him. Thought that was hilarious!
Waycross High School, before it was consolidated into Ware County High, used to have almuni come back every year and play the varsity team as a final tune up after spring training. In the games I saw, the almuni won. But injuries were horrific.


Helluva Engineer
Waycross High School, before it was consolidated into Ware County High, used to have almuni come back every year and play the varsity team as a final tune up after spring training. In the games I saw, the almuni won. But injuries were horrific.
Yes. In the last alum game ever played at my HS, my coach decided that my 133 pound butt was an offensive guard, and I lined up against one of the best athletes ever to play at the school. The ball was snapped and I had cleat marks up and down my chest almost before I moved; our halfback got smeared and broke his ankle. At least it got me off the line. But our defensive end broke a leg in addition. 16 and 17-year-olds got not business against 27-year old grown men.


Jolly Good Fellow
Gas Pump #1
We used to do that. It was comical to see us old farts smoking on the sidelines and then running onto the field with a cigarette still in our mouth. We played against the high school seniors only once, but we had such a good time we reassembled each spring for several years and played each other with our former coaches acting as refs. It was tons of fun and really great to whip the same older butts that had whipped me in high school. And, as mentioned above, there were plenty of battle scars and injuries the next day.