College baseball info — everything you need to know


Ramblin' Wreck
How can you be ranked 10th (USC coach) with 11 national championships and the person at the top (FSU coach) has none? I get more to this than just championships but I would think they would have significant weight.


Helluva Engineer
How can you be ranked 10th (USC coach) with 11 national championships and the person at the top (FSU coach) has none? I get more to this than just championships but I would think they would have significant weight.
Because winning a national championship as a college baseball head coach has almost nothing to do with how good of a coach you are. Consistently being one of the top teams in the country year-in year-out does.

Home Park Jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Because winning a national championship as a college baseball head coach has almost nothing to do with how good of a coach you are. Consistently being one of the top teams in the country year-in year-out does.
What - winning national championships has nothing to do with how good a coach you are? Why is baseball different than basketball or football? This guy is the Bear Bryant and John Wooden of baseball. He must have ****ty marketing department.


Helluva Engineer
How can you be ranked 10th (USC coach) with 11 national championships and the person at the top (FSU coach) has none? I get more to this than just championships but I would think they would have significant weight.

Because that list is ranked by regular season wins alone and doesn't look any deeper then that.

Which makes it a pretty bad list for its alleged purpose.