Coaching Ranking by E$PN


Helluva Engineer

Dodd is 21. Heisman and Johnson also make the list of the top 150.

Only thing that bugged me is the last sentence of the dooley passage: "dooley remained a fixture in Athens long after he retired, as an athletic director, as a master gardener and as the epitome of what a football coach should be." Jan Kemp says hello.

They only talked about Dodd's Luck. IMO, he is what ALL coaches should aspire to be. Great students who are coached up and win big games. (Full disclosure...I do feel that he is responsible for the slide that Tech saw in the 70's and 80's and the lack of financial support from the administration. But as simply a coach and what a coach should stand for, there are few that are in his company.)


Helluva Engineer

Dodd is 21. Heisman and Johnson also make the list of the top 150.

Only thing that bugged me is the last sentence of the dooley passage: "dooley remained a fixture in Athens long after he retired, as an athletic director, as a master gardener and as the epitome of what a football coach should be." Jan Kemp says hello.

They only talked about Dodd's Luck. IMO, he is what ALL coaches should aspire to be. Great students who are coached up and win big games. (Full disclosure...I do feel that he is responsible for the slide that Tech saw in the 70's and 80's and the lack of financial support from the administration. But as simply a coach and what a coach should stand for, there are few that are in his company.)
Lol dabo right behind heisman? Hell, heisman behind dodd? Should knute be #1?

Deleted member 2897

Funny how a third of the top 9 were supposedly the greatest coaches in the history of the sport, yet were fired. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.


Helluva Engineer
Dodd should be higher. He was a player's coach that won by coaching up his players and game strategies. He won probably the biggest game ever at BDS when he defeated the number 1 Alabama team with Joe Namath the year after the Darwin Holt/Chick Graning incident and he and Bear weren't even speaking. Paraphrasing Furman Bisher, "On Saturday afternoon on Grant Field, Tech stars fell on Alabama, and after a hard fought gridiron contest, the number 1 team in the country was the number 2 team on Grant Field". It was really special to me because I knew Chick as he was my platoon leader in ROTC. Every player I knew told me they would run through a brick wall for Dodd.

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Helluva Engineer
Dodd should be higher, as said above. But so should Jake Gaither and Clark Shaughnessy. Gaither's teams were so good for so long that other coaches he played absolutely despaired. Shaughnessy was, arguably, the most innovative football coach ever; only Walter Camp is on the same level. I would not have ranked Dabo where he is; he hasn't coached long enough yet. I thought both Heisman and Paul were ranked about right. I would have ranked Paul a bit higher for the same reason I would have ranked Shaughnessy way higher; he's a real innovator.

But, shoot, you can argue about this kind of thing until the cows come home.


Helluva Engineer
Funny how a third of the top 9 were supposedly the greatest coaches in the history of the sport, yet were fired. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
Now, if you coach long enough, you are gonna get fired. The exceptions might prove the rule, but lots of good coaches get fired every year. But it must be long major league baseball managers: the hardest one is the first job. After that, you are an automatic hire elsewhere.

Boss Ross

Jolly Good Fellow
Why? Ross was a break even college coach. Won a NC to be sure, but was average across the board in college.
Evidently you was never around CBR cause if you had of been you would know he was as good a football coach as any . Who else has done at TECH what he did and he took the Chargers to the super bowl.


Helluva Engineer
Evidently you was never around CBR cause if you had of been you would know he was as good a football coach as any . Who else has done at TECH what he did and he took the Chargers to the super bowl.

I don’t think taking the Chargers to the SB holds any weight for best college coaches.

If Bobby Ross stuck around here, he would be on this list. Hell, I think if O’Leary stuck around here he might be on this list, too. Both used as a stepping stone for greener pastures and never really found them.
Augusta, GA
This ESPN article has Bobby Dodd ranked #21 in the 150 top college football head coaches:cool:
I guess I am biased (and proud of it --- LOL), but I think Dodd should have been ranked somewhat higher. Most of those ranked higher I don't have a problem with, but some I do. He is at least ranked higher than most of the rival coaches he faced, and he's ranked higher than Dooley.


Helluva Engineer
Southeast Tennessee
I guess I am biased (and proud of it --- LOL), but I think Dodd should have been ranked somewhat higher. Most of those ranked higher I don't have a problem with, but some I do. He is at least ranked higher than most of the rival coaches he faced, and he's ranked higher than Dooley.
I would have put Bobby Dodd,John Heisman and General Neyland much higher than where ESPN put them on this list.

Boss Ross

Jolly Good Fellow
I don’t think taking the Chargers to the SB holds any weight for best college coaches.

If Bobby Ross stuck around here, he would be on this list. Hell, I think if O’Leary stuck around here he might be on this list, too. Both used as a stepping stone for greener pastures and never really found them.
I believe a MNC in college and a Super Bowl game is about as Green as it gets.