Coaches we interviewed in 2007

Brian Johnson

Jolly Good Fellow
Just an interesting thought here. Who all did we interview in 2007? Anyone know 100% who actually interviewed for the job? Just curious. Trying to debate what would have happened if we hired someone else. I am a CPJ supporter but just wanting to hear y'all's opinions

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
Tricky Ricky Neuhausal (sp?) was mentioned. The search was actually conducted by an outside firm in collaboration with a committee of inside Tech folks, the President, the head of the student council, the AD and a couple of others. I don't think any one ever revealed who the actual candidates were. It was very hush hush and Johnson was hired fairly quickly. No real Tech man would have ever hired the Bulldog Muschamp, I know a lot of less informed fans think we actually pursued him. That is urban legend and so was Charlie Strong.

Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
What worried me at the time were the rumors that we were considering Tater Tot (Terry Bowden). I heard he really wanted the job.

I was shocked when we got Coach. I was pretty sure he would never leave Navy. And, since I'm an old OL and a strong (very) believer in running the football, I've been a pretty happy camper ever since.


Helluva Engineer
What worried me at the time were the rumors that we were considering Tater Tot (Terry Bowden). I heard he really wanted the job.

I was shocked when we got Coach. I was pretty sure he would never leave Navy. And, since I'm an old OL and a strong (very) believer in running the football, I've been a pretty happy camper ever since.

The day after Paul took the Navy job, O'Leary took the Notre Dame job. I told Paul that if he had waited one more day he could have had the Tech job. He said they can come get me as easily from Navy as they can from Southern.

Sebastian GT

Jolly Good Fellow
Muschamp was DR's #1 choice. I believe he turned us down...not certain, though.
There was a lot of push back from fans (especially money people) because of Muschamp's dwag background. No one wanted another Bill Lewis disaster. I am pretty sure we moved on from him but whether he turned us down or not he would have never been hired. Given his tenure so far at Florida it was the right decision to not move forward with him.


What could have been..
To be fair Strong had the highest profile football program in his conference. Louisville was just in a different class of football with their fan base and facilities when they were in the Big East/American. Let's wait and see what he does competing with the Cowboys and Sooners.


Jolly Good Fellow
A lot of these candidates were eliminated because they had no head coaching experience. From what I recall, it was down to Neuheisal (sp?), Johnson and Edsall.


Helluva Engineer
Parts Unknown
I don't think Charlie Strong could function with the constraints in place at Georgia Tech.

I was pretty surprised Edsall didn't get the job.

Out of everyone who interviewed, we definitely landed the best football coach. Just thinking that we might have hired Will 'You ain't hurt' Muschamp, has me reaching for the barf bag.
The day after Paul took the Navy job, O'Leary took the Notre Dame job. I told Paul that if he had waited one more day he could have had the Tech job. He said they can come get me as easily from Navy as they can from Southern.

If that is factual, and I have no reason to doubt that it is, that is an amazing statement. It would indicate that Paul Johnson had an interest in being the coach at Georgia Tech for quite a while. Will Muschamp was never "interviewed". Our people talked with his people, briefly, to gauge interest. The West Stands Mafia were very resolute that any Georgia player was never going to be accepted ever again, and the talks were broken off. Muschamp was probably not a good fit for the Tech culture, but he is a good coach, a good recruiter and might have been very successful in the ACC. The Florida job, his first HC job, following Urban Meyer, is a pretty big task playing in the SEC, etc. I still think he will get it done in Gainesville.
What worried me at the time were the rumors that we were considering Tater Tot (Terry Bowden). I heard he really wanted the job.

I was shocked when we got Coach. I was pretty sure he would never leave Navy. And, since I'm an old OL and a strong (very) believer in running the football, I've been a pretty happy camper ever since.

A stroll down Google Memory Lane