Chris Bosh: My Bittersweet Transition from Georgia Tech to the NBA


Staff member
During my rookie year in the NBA, I watched my friends on the 2003 Yellowjacket team go on a phenomenal run to the Final Four. When I’d been on the team the year before, we weren’t that good. We were a very young team, just trying to figure out how to work together. So needless to say, my experience on the court wasn’t always very much fun. It wasn’t fun in my rookie year either. Don’t get me wrong—it’s amazing playing basketball. But being 19 years old, playing and interacting with grown men with families wasn’t fun all the time, especially during a grueling 82-game season. That mixed with Toronto’s freezing winter climate made me miss my buddies back at Tech even more.

I remember watching them beat Kansas in the regional finals to clinch the Final Four bid. Seeing my former teammates—my friends—hug and smile while they cut down the nets was surreal. I couldn’t believe they had accomplished what they did after our rough season the year before. I used to talk to my old roommate, Jarrett Jack, about what was happening on campus and the experience of March Madness. He made me feel like I was there. I was happy for my friends—and I was sad because I wanted to be there, too. I didn’t expect to feel that way after accomplishing my own dream of making the NBA. But we weren’t having a very good season in Toronto at the time. I was running into the rookie wall constantly and I was tired.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I would love to see Chris be a part of the program. Seems widely respected by everyone and has a profile that is still recognizeable with young players

Also glad to hear he still looks on Tech fondly. I vaguely recall some stuff about him wishing he'd been able to go straight from HS. Good to see him support the team in Miami last year and good to see him speak well about the Institute.


Ramblin' Wreck
"And I was sad because I wanted to be there, too"

This is the debate I've gotten into with people many times (and possibly has already happened on this board). I wonder if Bosh had stayed an extra year and been on the 2004 Final Four team if that team would have been better or worse-off. Chemistry cannot be quantified, and there's no doubt that team had it. However, Bosh was one of the best talents I've ever seen come through Georgia Tech personally, going back to Marbury, so it's hard to imagine him hurting that team. We'll obviously never know the answer, but it's interesting to think about.


Helluva Engineer
ESPN was talking about Bosh being a 3rd wheel to Lebron and Wade in Miami. Made a comment Bosh would be reading a book on codes while Bron and Wade would be looking at a fashion mag. I had know idea what kind of codes he was into. Sounds like he was very intelligent.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Bosh was a really good student. People forget that when GT started recruiting him he was barely ranked in the top 100. He improved quickly his SR yr of HS (was ranked Top 5 after his SR yr) and kept improving at GT. Academics played a significant role in his choice of GT, but his likely draft position made it untenable for his to stay for his So year.


Helluva Engineer
Didn’t he originally intend to pursue a CS degree? Feel like I read that somewhere. My cousin in high school said Chris Bosh appears in some teaching video for computer science they had to watch


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Really enjoyed the in-game interview with CB yesterday.

Didn't love the fact that it was in the middle of play as the Ashroff guy had trouble following the game as it was but I digress.


Helluva Engineer
Really enjoyed the in-game interview with CB yesterday.

Didn't love the fact that it was in the middle of play as the Ashroff guy had trouble following the game as it was but I digress.

Once again he referred to Okogie as a "zero star recruit" :mad: