Blocking assignment help


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Help me out... did the pulling hairs block the right person? Was that the pitch read?



Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, Georgia
LT(Quinney) got swim-moved or just man-handled, DE blew the play up. Everyone else seemed to have made their assignment.

I don't think Quinney had a great game in general.


Jolly Good Fellow
I think LT should have got his helmet on the outside shoulder before trying to block the DE down inside, as a result he gets shucked inside and DE blows up the play.

The other thing is I'm not sure that maybe Braun blocked the pitch read? I don't know. Just seems like that OLB is the logical pitch read, and Braun should have passed that guy and blocked someone further upfield. Could be totally wrong about that though. Cause I'm not sure who he's supposed to block if he doesn't block that guy.

If we do assume he should have blocked someone else, (and the LT makes his block, or maybe gets help from Braun?) Marshall is free to attack the inside shoulder of the OLB, and make a pitch depending on what the OLB does. Regardless, the pitch was there either way and might have made better yardage. It was a little bit of a broken play, so I don't necessarily think that just keeping was a bad decision.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, Georgia
Parker just killed a guy there
I think LT should have got his helmet on the outside shoulder before trying to block the DE down inside, as a result he gets shucked inside and DE blows up the play.

The other thing is I'm not sure that maybe Braun blocked the pitch read? I don't know. Just seems like that OLB is the logical pitch read, and Braun should have passed that guy and blocked someone further upfield. Could be totally wrong about that though. Cause I'm not sure who he's supposed to block if he doesn't block that guy.

If we do assume he should have blocked someone else, (and the LT makes his block, or maybe gets help from Braun?) Marshall is free to attack the inside shoulder of the OLB, and make a pitch depending on what the OLB does. Regardless, the pitch was there either way and might have made better yardage. It was a little bit of a broken play, so I don't necessarily think that just keeping was a bad decision.

Yeah I think TM kinda got spooked when he saw the DE and went into "tuck and try to make something out of this" mode. His pitch man was also in a bad spot at that point. Like 5 yards behind and 1 yard to edge. Not a good spot for a pitch.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I think the pitch man was blocked and caused TM to go inside... I think.

In a later play PB turns back and blocks inside and the pitch man is not blocked


Jolly Good Fellow
I think the pitch man was blocked and caused TM to go inside... I think.

In a later play PB turns back and blocks inside and the pitch man is not blocked
This, I was kinda thinking Braun blocked the read key. The LT maybe is supposed to chip the DE and then release upfield, and Braun is supposed to seal the DE inside. The whole play would work better that way, but would like to hear CPJ explain what he's expecting to see there.


Jolly Good Fellow
You're Right. Everyone seems accounted for, at least what we can see of it, with a blocker sans the free safety. Either they lined up with less people on that side or we're missing something, someone, from what we could see. The should be one player unblock if it is an option and not just a glorified qb sweep.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
On a 4 man front, the pulling guard blocks the DE and the LB is pitch read. Here we have 3 guys on the line, but the LB is still the read.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, Georgia
On a 4 man front, the pulling guard blocks the DE and the LB is pitch read. Here we have 3 guys on the line, but the LB is still the read.

Always? We have a lot of variations. If the LT seals the DE the play works and the pitch relationship can develop, assuming parker can stay engaged. Would still be weird with parker and the LB between TM and the AB, but maybe CPJ was trying something different? If the DE is sealed and that OLB is pancaked it looks good. The MLB would be the read.

IDK, simpler explanation is that parker should have sealed the DE and LB is the read. Who knows. LT should have gotten a better chip for sure though.


Jolly Good Fellow
If there was a missed assignment, it is that the pulling LG blocked the pitch key. Maybe it’s just the camera angle, but it looks a bit like the BB was initially trying to block the guy the pulling LG blocked. I’m not sure that this wasn’t a designed QB keep set up to look like an option.

Either way, I agree with the comments that the LT didn’t block the DE well.


Helluva Engineer
I see this different than y’all do. I am thinking this is a double option off the DE. The DE engaged our LT and TQM didn’t see him to make the read so he kept instead of pitching. Our LT just tries to get around the DE to get to the LB.