I think this method of discussion, or argument, is just endemic on society today. (or at least internet and social media society) If someone says that the refs cost GT opportunities to win the game, other people hear - "The GT players played a perfect game, the coaches called a perfect game, the only reason that GT lost was because of the refs". They then argue strongly that the refs did not cause the loss, which comes across as - "The refs played zero part in the loss, it was 100% on the players and coaches".
Thirty years ago, if discussing something like this while sitting drinking coffee or a beer, it would have evolved. --"The refs blew those calls" --> "Yes, but the players came out flat in the first half, and should have been up at half time" --> "Yes, that is true, but it ticks me off that the refs took away opportunities while GT was making a comeback" --> "I agree with you there".
Now on the internet, you are almost required to join the 100% refs' fault, or the 100% players' fault tribe and argue vehemently for your tribe regardless of what the actual truth is.
With regard to the mutt game, I have to say that I do believe the game was 100% lost because of the officials. If they had not missed the targeting call, GT could have run a lot more time off the clock and most likely won the game. If they had not called the phantom PI call, the mutts would not have scored and GT would have had the ball. Once again they would have most likely won the game.