Best game you have seen at Grant field?


Helluva Engineer
Douglasville, Georgia
08 FSU game was awesome. Almost had to beat down an FSU fan for getting mad at me, when i yelled in his girls ear on thst fumble.

ND game when CJ was still here and Brady Quinn was their QB, throwing to Jeff Samardjia(MLB pitcher). I know we lost that game, but it was a fluke and I had a damn good time that entire weekend. Last time college gameday came to campus.

09 VT was pretty intense also. My Dad and I pulled our keys out at the end of that one and shook em at the VT fans. Great memory of that day.

Alot more come to mind... Just cant narrow em down.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
'84 Clemson/GT, Big John Davis manhandling "refrigerator" Perry and the Cartersville stud Robert Lavette scoring the game winner :) I lives in SoCal during the late 80's mid 90's got back to Atlanta in '96 and kids took over my life :ROFLMAO: Then to Nashville in '04, seen lots of games during that time but the '84 Clemson game will always live in my heart. IIRC Clemson was highly ranked coming into the season (#2 or 3), lost to ga the week before and their fans came into Atlanta looking for blood. Left crying in their beer, I know I had/bought several for their fans after the game!


Helluva Engineer
1998 GT UVA game. 08 GT Noles is close second.
I change my vote. Noles in 08 was the most improbable game ending I've ever witnessed but the 98 Lil Joe, Dez White does it...again, and Charlie...Charlie....oohhh Charlie was the best. We dug a deep hole early but never stopped fighting. Nate Stimson sealed it by sacking Aaron Brooks just out of field goal range.

I've only seen us beat Ugag twice in person. The fog game was great, but we DOMINATED in 89. That was a statement game, and a precursor to the 90 season. Jerry Mays ran all over them that day.


Jolly Good Fellow
This one is easy for me... The 1990 game against Clemson was the best football game I've ever seen in person.

It was an equally matched game that was a physical brutality for all involved.

The game ended with Kevin Battle, Coleman Rudolph, and the rest of the defense holding Clemson out of the endzone on 4 consecutive plays inside the 5.

As a fan, it would be hard to imagine a more compelling match up as we saw that day.

At that one as well. Great call.


Staff member
I don't think this has been mentioned yet:

'04 Clemson anyone? Calvin Johnson's freshmen year?


Jolly Good Fellow
GT Notre Dame 1976 - my freshman year. We beat them without completing a pass - not sure we even attempted one. I remember dancing in front of the GT cheerleaders after the game. Amazing I can remember anything after how much rum consumed - I know should have been whiskey. Speaking of the GT cheerleaders, why don't we do the differential X, differential Y cheer anymore?


Helluva Engineer
Crap, you're right.

My fail.
Lol. It's all good. I think we've covered all the good ones at BDS. That was a great win at DV, and so was the Goose to Watkins game.

I've only attended 2 road games. The infamous hook and lateral game in Charlottesville and the 09 FSU lightning delayed shoot out.

Edited - brainfart. I was at the Cesspool Chan's first year but I try to forget that one.
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Jolly Good Fellow
Last year's UNC game for sure. It rained the entire game, so by halftime everyone in the student section had given up trying to stay dry. I ended up just wearing socks on my feet because my shoes got so heavy. When we went ahead in the 3rd quarter everyone was going crazy, jumping around and slipping off of the wet bleachers. After the game I walked up Techwood to North Ave with water around my ankles, still with just my socks on my feet.

To top it all off I managed to get in this pic with Sneezy which was plastered all over the place:


Helluva Engineer
I agree on this game. Sitting in the north stands, McNames and Guthrie made "the tackle" right in front of me, as I recall. The publicity leading up to this game was beyond anything seen in decades; the Chick Graning/Darwin Holt "incident", as the Atlanta press called it, this has to be the biggest GT win in the Dodd era. You young guys can Google Chick Graning/Darwin Holt 1961 game to get a feeling for the emotion that day. "Hate" does not do the emotion justice. This game concluded a year long "war" in the press. Any GT game played since then pales to insignificance.
It was not a day; for the meek and mild............for years folks used to say that Dodd finessed folks on defense and of course they were wrong ..but that day they just lined up and knocked hell out of folks for four quarters.quarters. Namath said years later that Davis and Martin put something on him........what a game.
Augusta, GA
1962 Ala 6 GT 7. Stopped #1 Ala win streak at 29. Stopped Namath going for two. Ray Charles and the Raylettes that night at the Big Tit. Doesn't get any better.
I was a freshman then and at that game. Most intense football game I have ever been to. "Remember Darwin Holt" and "Namath Can't Do It" were the rallying cries all day long.