Besides a win, what do you want to see tonight?


Ramblin' Wreck
I get it, we'd all take a win against Clemson regardless of style points, but win or loss what do you want to see?

I'd love for it to be a very low scoring game. I think that would finally show that our defense has arrived and would set us up relatively well for the UGA showdown. I'd also like to see continued production from our DL including the underclassmen rotating in and being disruptive. Finally, I want our LB to hit the **** out of people. I'll take a LB missing an occasional assignment but flying around, then a guy who doesn't and tackles backwards. If you rewatch games where our defense has played well, our LBs are laying the wood all over the field.

Blowout aside, what I'd hate to see is a shootout loss.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member

In case I wasn't clear, I don't want to see any false starts. I want to see our OL come out with a vengeance.


Ramblin' Wreck

In case I wasn't clear, I don't want to see any false starts. I want to see our OL come out with a vengeance.

I'm with you on this one, especially our OL coming out with some passion. I just want us to be physical on both sides of the ball I suppose. If we do this right, our guys will go in with tons of confidence vs UGA, which in my opinion hasn't been the case the past few years. Nothing would set us up better if we can go toe to toe for 4 quarters with a Clemson team that handled (a somewhat healthy) UGA fairly well.


Ramblin' Wreck
Nothing new here, but I want to see the offense get it together with few turnovers/penalties and start humming.

Defensively, I'd like to see those guys continue to perform, even with the upgrade in competition. I am hoping that Attaochu gives their tackles fits.


GT Athlete
Featured Member
Wouldn't it be nice to see us win in a blowout? Put it all together and score about 38 on offense. Play inspired and hold them to about 17 on defense. Livin' the dream.


GT Athlete
Featured Member
I'd love to see Vad hook up with Smelter (or any of the WR's) for the big plays that are ALWAYS there for the taking every game that we always seems to miss too many of for some reason. Would love to see 2 TD's passing and maybe another long one to set up another TD. Putting on a show in a national Thursday night game would be just what the Dr. ordered right now.

But, probably more than all of that ... I'd like to see us not lose a single key guy to injury so that we are at full power to beat Ugag as described above. I'd rather have that one.


Ramblin' Wreck
-good blocking (passing and running) from o-line
-no silly turnovers
-receivers not drop balls that hit them in the hands
-most importantly, be ready to show up for prime time game unlike the vt game

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I could live with a turnover if it was great play by their defense. But, I really want to see us not fumble the ball because the pitch man fails to look the ball into his hands, the b-back doesn't clinch down on the mesh or because the QB hesitantly screws-up either the pitch or the mesh.

I could live with an occasional false start. But, I really want to see us not throw some sort of false start block party.

I'd also like to see Vad drop one of the long balls in when our receiver has two steps on the DB.

I really want to see us shut down their run and pressure Boyd. I'm looking for 4+ sacks and several TFL.

I want to see a pumpkin head cry.


Jolly Good Fellow
I want to see Vad take the next step in running the option. Good reads on the give/keep/pitch. Run the option at full speed without hesitation. If he does make a bad read, tuck the ball and get whatever yards are there and move to the next play. I want to see the receivers catch every ball that they get there hands on, NO DROPS!!! I have a lot of faith in Vad running CPJ's offense and taking the team to the next level. Let's get it done tonight. Go Jackets!!!!