Are you now, or have you ever been, a denier of AGW?

What do you think of this investigation?

  • Reasonable and Responsible Oversight

  • Political Over-Reach, Abuse of Power

  • Meh, probably just politics as usual

  • None of the above, see my comment in thread

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Southeastern Michigan
Here is an interesting article in the Guardian about Roy Spencer.

Follow the money on Heartland Institute and George C. Marshall Institute. Fascinating stuff!

But since we are at the start of Holy Week I will probably refrain from any more postings that stir contention.

Interesting article? That is not the term I would use to describe it.

Follow the money in one direction and ignore it in the other. :rolleyes:


Its a little comical to me when the problems with skeptics models "prove" the skeptics wrong. But on the other hand the problems with alarmists models are shrugged off. There is no accurate model, not to date, by either side.

Yet policy makers are willing, some are desiring, to shut down the use of fossil fuels based on these shoddy models. A move that would have severe consequences for our economy.

There are some loons on both sides of the debate. There is arguable science used by both sides. There is a majority opinion on the debate but the science isn't settled on AGW, it's still just a theory. The science is pretty settled on the possibility of a runaway greenhouse effect....that ain't close to happening.

The economy MIGHT be harmed if the alarmists are correct.
The economy WILL be harmed if the alarmists are successful in enacting their restrictions on fossil fuel consumption.

And proponents of AGW do little to sway my opinion on the matter when they refuse to argue the science of the opposition and instead attack the character of those on the other side of the debate. "If you can't debate them...just try and discredit them."


Southeastern Michigan
Its a little comical to me when the problems with skeptics models "prove" the skeptics wrong. But on the other hand the problems with alarmists models are shrugged off. There is no accurate model, not to date, by either side.

Yet policy makers are willing, some are desiring, to shut down the use of fossil fuels based on these shoddy models. A move that would have severe consequences for our economy.

There are some loons on both sides of the debate. There is arguable science used by both sides. There is a majority opinion on the debate but the science isn't settled on AGW, it's still just a theory. The science is pretty settled on the possibility of a runaway greenhouse effect....that ain't close to happening.

The economy MIGHT be harmed if the alarmists are correct.
The economy WILL be harmed if the alarmists are successful in enacting their restrictions on fossil fuel consumption.

And proponents of AGW do little to sway my opinion on the matter when they refuse to argue the science of the opposition and instead attack the character of those on the other side of the debate. "If you can't debate them...just try and discredit them."

I have seen the same tactic used in the "interesting article" used by others......a true indicator is the comment "Their high profile gives the public a false sense that there are two relatively equal-sized bodies of experts that cannot agree on climate change; this is not true"

True science is not concerned with the number of people that agree, it is concerned with the ability to prove a theory false.
All it takes is one person invalid a theory, regardless of the number of believers.


The scientists involved in the Max Planck study better batten down the hatches. Their names will be drawn through the mud now. Happens to every scientist that proposes info that counters the "consensus".

As to the study itself. Shows the more we learn the less we knew from the beginning. I'm not convinced this study proves atmospheric sensitivity. It certainly casts more doubt on the consensus however.


Ramblin' Wreck
Bjorn Stevens' lower calculated climate sensitivity means the current response against CO2 emissions has an even better chance of succeeding at limiting the global warming and sea level rise. That is good news!