Anybody remember the Don Henley song "Dirty Laundry?"


Helluva Engineer
I heard it the other day and it got me thinking of this message board. It seems the biggest stories are always the ones about our "dirty laundry." It's what plays, what sells, what draws a crowd..... Here's a few recent dirty shirts and pants:

1. Walkosky leaves (must be a huge black eye on the program)
2. Ty Griffin leaves (oh crap that's two Heisman hopefuls not happy with the offense, GT, CPJ....)
3. VAD LEE, the future GT Messiah leaves (GT is in the crapper, oh what are we gonna do, woe is us!)

I didn't bother counting the number reads and replies to these topics because it would take too long and require a calculator.

The truth is, everybody doesn't hate being at GT. Some guys actually love it. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. In fact, I'd bet most of the guys love it and are happy with their decision to attend and play football at GT.

Jamal Golden loves GT. How do I know? He said so. It was posted in a thread, by me, on the recruiting page. Guess what, nobody gave a crap and had anything to say about it. That's sad, imo. We should celebrate these things not ignore them. I love GT and I'm damn glad to see that at least one of our SA's does too. I hope you all do as well.

Here's the article and the quote for those who missed it.

A former Wetumpka player is also encouraging (OL recruit) Brandon (Kennedy) to come to Tech. "I talk to Jamal Golden and he said going to Tech was easily the best decision he made and he loves it there. He said he would love to see me there."


Ramblin' Wreck
Colorado Springs, CO
First, I love that song. Spoke the truth with a good tune. Of course I loved most of what Don wrote and sung.

Unfortunately Cheese more humans have a glass is half empty view point in life (negativity bias) than a glass half full view point (optimism bias). So it is not unexpected that this message board would reflect real life. It is just built into our brains that the bad stuff is stronger than the good stuff. Psychological research has shown this to be true and now with the neuroscience research really moving forward, it is being scientifically proven to be true. What is cool is that the neuroscience research is also showing that even a small shift in a persons ability to see the good stuff makes them much happier in life. And one of the ways to really see the good stuff is to focus on it, not just with a passing thought. You can actually rewire your brain by doing just that. So there is hope for all of us:)

I live in Colorado, and one thing I keep reminding myself is that even though I would like our O line to play better, and we would pass a bit more so we can come from behind easier and have a more diverse game plan, or we had a real good DT to go along with Gotsis, we are still much better off than the University of Colorado. Since "sharing" the national title with us they have been unbelievably bad. And what is their excuse - they have one of the most beautiful campuses in the US, they have easy courses and majors, they have knock your socks off co-eds roaming around everywhere on the campus, they have plenty of money to throw at football, they have played in excellent conferences, ..... All the things that work against us they have. And yet our record since then blows them out of the water.

So Cheese I don't put much on the Board since I am way out here and don't hear stuff, or I am not a X and O guy like you and Boomer and Eric. But I do appreciate your bias towards Tech football. It is not being unrealistic like some say on the Board. You do point out the good stuff. We all want more of the good stuff from the team, but ever once in awhile just recognizing that all is not doom and gloom and there are plenty of programs way worse off than us is not a bad thing. In fact, it helps rewire the brain in a good way.

So thanks Boomer, Cheese and others that do such a great job of breaking down the team. Keep it up - the good stuff as well the constructive criticism. And Eric, thanks again for such a great board.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I'm not a Pollyanna & I don't have my head buried in the sand (or up my arse) but I sure wish GT fans would come together & support the players/team by being a little more positive in their outlook. If we speak against our sports program, how can we not expect non-GT fans (Ugags) to do any different.
Augusta, GA
I'm new to this message board, although I post regularly on the AJC blogs. I just have to say that I agree 100% with all the above posts. All those preaching doom and gloom apparently don't remember the 80's and all those losing seasons, two with only one win, and the successive losses to the likes of Duke, Tulane, and Navy, not to mention the mutts. The worst though was the 0-1-1 record against Furman. We have NEVER been that low in the entire history of Tech football, and we are certainly nowhere near being that low now.


Jolly Good Fellow
I'm not a negative nancy by any means. But this constant policing of how people should think (by the "optimists" and the "pessimists") is getting old. I'll think and post the way I want. As long as I do it in a respectful fashion, I don't see the problem. Have a problem? Don't read it.


Helluva Engineer
I'm not a negative nancy by any means. But this constant policing of how people should think (by the "optimists" and the "pessimists") is getting old. I'll think and post the way I want. As long as I do it in a respectful fashion, I don't see the problem. Have a problem? Don't read it.


Helluva Engineer
Ok guys, the last 3 responders got the wrong idea from my post. I no way, shape or form am I telling or even suggesting how one should think. That's absurd. I was pointing out that not every player hates GT and that negative stories get way more traction than positive ones. Then I wanted to point out how JG loves GT and that there's probably many more on the team that feel the same way.

I think someone could get the wrong impression of the team's attitude from what gets posted around here (and other boards) and wanted to hopefully get some equal "press" for guys who were happy at GT. My guess is there's way more in this category than the former.

You guys go ahead and think any thoughts you want to think. Again, I have no desire to control that in any way.


Jolly Good Fellow
Ok guys, the last 3 responders got the wrong idea from my post. I no way, shape or form am I telling or even suggesting how one should think. That's absurd. I was pointing out that not every player hates GT and that negative stories get way more traction than positive ones. Then I wanted to point out how JG loves GT and that there's probably many more on the team that feel the same way.

I think someone could get the wrong impression of the team's attitude from what gets posted around here (and other boards) and wanted to hopefully get some equal "press" for guys who were happy at GT. My guess is there's way more in this category than the former.

You guys go ahead and think any thoughts you want to think. Again, I have no desire to control that in any way.

Fair enough. I just reread your post and realized that nowhere are you implying that people should not be "pessimistic". It was more of an observation and that is fine by me. Sorry if I came off as an a**hole.


Helluva Engineer
Ok guys, the last 3 responders got the wrong idea from my post. I no way, shape or form am I telling or even suggesting how one should think. That's absurd. I was pointing out that not every player hates GT and that negative stories get way more traction than positive ones. Then I wanted to point out how JG loves GT and that there's probably many more on the team that feel the same way.

I think someone could get the wrong impression of the team's attitude from what gets posted around here (and other boards) and wanted to hopefully get some equal "press" for guys who were happy at GT. My guess is there's way more in this category than the former.

You guys go ahead and think any thoughts you want to think. Again, I have no desire to control that in any way.

My apologies DCS if my response to yellojello came off that way. But my +1 response was not directed toward you or any one person at all. I just support @yellojello idea on that post. I too feel that freedom of opinion on here is of the highest importance. Even when that opinion is disagreed with by the majority.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
All is good fellas. :)

There's that damned optimism again:shifty::woot: .

I won't read The Hive (whichever site is the Scout/GT sponsored one) because it lacks balance. As long as someone makes any point and supports it, I'm fine with listening to opinions. What does get old is saying the same bumper sticker again and again. That doesn't seem to happen much here, but did at GTSports when our season went down last year.

I like optimistic posts - which is why I like reading about Beesball and golf and human interest stories. For football, our expectations have not been met many times in the past few decades.


Helluva Engineer
There's that damned optimism again:shifty::woot: .

I won't read The Hive (whichever site is the Scout/GT sponsored one) because it lacks balance. As long as someone makes any point and supports it, I'm fine with listening to opinions. What does get old is saying the same bumper sticker again and again. That doesn't seem to happen much here, but did at GTSports when our season went down last year.

I like optimistic posts - which is why I like reading about Beesball and golf and human interest stories. For football, our expectations have not been met many times in the past few decades.
I totally get that. In fact, my expectations have not been met, either. I want to win more often and am not satisfied with the recent records just like everybody else on the board. Where I differ from most of the pessimists is that I think coach has us on the right track.

It takes creativity to succeed at GT. Anyone who works in a field where creativity is at it's core knows that you have to fail in order to succeed. This is especially true when you're "starting line" is not the same as everybody else's who's "in the race." At some point, I agree, you have to cut your losses and go in a different direction. I just don't think now is that time.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
I totally get that. In fact, my expectations have not been met, either. I want to win more often and am not satisfied with the recent records just like everybody else on the board. Where I differ from most of the pessimists is that I think coach has us on the right track.

It takes creativity to succeed at GT. Anyone who works in a field where creativity is at it's core knows that you have to fail in order to succeed. This is especially true when you're "starting line" is not the same as everybody else's who's "in the race." At some point, I agree, you have to cut your losses and go in a different direction. I just don't think now is that time.

You should like my post on Friday about the odds of getting a better performing coach based on 70 years of experience.........