Any chance we roll out the no huddle?

Matt E

GT Athlete
Seems crazy considering how well we have been moving the ball. I'm all for a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality, but is there a chance we try to jump on them quick with a change of pace? I know the initial concern was the defense not playing well enough and the pressure it may put on them, but with the D's improvement I wonder if this is an option we may see.


Jolly Good Fellow
I don't think we can run the no-huddle. We shuttle plays in from the sideline so there pretty much has to be a huddle.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are a handful of plays that the players have mastered the execution of and Paul will signal somehow from the sideline what to do (like hold up the number of fingers corresponding to the play). Since we haven't run it yet, there would be no film on what the numbers mean. Then, in the following game, should we choose to run it again, just change the numbers.


Helluva Engineer
I think we see it. I think it is something different that CPJ has in the book to throw at Kelly. If the D is playing well and we are up, I think we will see it. Most folks do not realize this, but JT has really improved at reading the D alignment. I think that is a bigger reason we have not seen it than our defensive depth IMO. If he is making the correct pre-snap reads and the D is not shifting out of there alignment we are doing well. I think FSU will do some shifting late, and if they do the no huddle will mitigate that.


Jolly Good Fellow
Concur with gtg936g above; no-huddle/hurry-up is something that has been reportedly worked on, if not used in games (yet), and using it as a change-of-pace to mess with the defense's alignment might be useful to spring on FSU if need be.

Odd fun fact: In 1984, then Troy State's head coach was some young buck named Chan Gailey. Yep, him. Troy State won the Division 2 championship that year. Their primary offensive attack was the wishbone, but with a twist: No huddle. That twist was unique for the wishbone, and opponents had a difficult time with it.


Helluva Engineer
Let's follow the bread crumbs...

Alabama dominates the college football landscape and is set up to be the king of the mountain for the foreseeable future.

The NCAA finally caves in and announces a playoff in 2014.

In 2013, Auburn unveils a breakneck no huddle spread option offense.

Auburn's breakneck no huddle spread offense finally breaks Alabama's once invincible defense in the 2013 Iron Bowl on their way to the BCS Championship Game.

Afterwards, Saban publicly slams no huddle offenses as unsafe and wants to wipe them from the face of the college football world...but really, he has no answers for them.

CPJ, the crazy mastermind that he is, has a light bulb moment and takes the long view while tinkering with no huddle during the Spring practice of 2014.

Summer of 2014, GT players excitedly give cryptic word of the team working on the hurry up no huddle.

No sign of the HUNH spread offense from GT all season regular season...

GT enters the 2014 ACCCG as a dark horse to make the college playoffs if we can beat mighty FSU.

If things fall the right way, GT could sneak into the #4 seed of CFP where it will meet....#1 Alabama.

CPJ. Genius.


Jolly Good Fellow
One thing I believe I heard on the radio show was that all the practicing of the no-huddle has helped Justin become quite good at checking plays at the line.
This makes sense. I can see running HUNH in practice but not games just to get more reps in.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
HUNH is also known as (or used to be called) 2 minute and 1 minute drills.

IMO, the Tech fanbase has been really really good at trolling itself for entire seasons over one or another form of alignment or schematic tweak or change practiced on during the springs (or a report of some specific players progress by a coach *cough-Vad-cough*).

CPJ has been a head coach for 18 years and has a very supple and nuanced offensive system that is capable of a number of tweaks and adjustments. However, it also "is what it is" to quote the man himself.


Helluva Engineer
if we had a 14 point lead or so and the dive is working....good lord can you imagine what hurry up would do to a defense? Just let JT run the triple and make his own decisions- left or right etc