Another good article: Why Georgia Tech's Paul Johnson still runs option, and why it still works


Helluva Engineer
“Phil (Fulmer) said, ‘You’re pretty good at this. You want to come do this with us?’ “ Johnson recalled. “I said, ‘Hey, dude, if I had to throw it on third-and-2, I’d get out of that offense.’ He started laughing.”

Freakin A.
Middle, Ga
good find. The change in the whole atmosphere, not just ACC but nationally, is really refreshing. And at least Forde appreciates the artistry involved in running an option offense right, though in fairness, it's never been run at GT the way Thomas is running it. 14 days, right?
Less than two weeks as we stand. Man it can't get here fast enough!!!


Jolly Good Fellow
good article but amonst all of the caveman, CPJ only runs the ball narrative, he could have tossed in the fact that CPJ has had 4 wide receivers drafted in his 7 years including two this past year. As a side note Mike Leach in his 9 year career as head coach at Texas Tech only had 3 wrs drafted.


Helluva Engineer
Good read but I agree about talking about the WR's drafted as well as the coaching disciples he has coaching FBS programs. It's up to what 4 now?


Helluva Engineer
good article but amonst all of the caveman, CPJ only runs the ball narrative, he could have tossed in the fact that CPJ has had 4 wide receivers drafted in his 7 years including two this past year. As a side note Mike Leach in his 9 year career as head coach at Texas Tech only had 3 wrs drafted.
A great statistic, but in fairness, Leach keeps his receivers in the dark. Whatever happened to that kid anyway?


Helluva Engineer

“Everybody runs some option,” Johnson said. “Guys are so afraid they’re going to get labeled as option coaches. I used to laugh at Urban [Meyer], because when we were at Navy and they were at Utah, they used to call us all the time about scheme and stuff. He’d tell me, ‘I don’t want to get labeled an option guy.’


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Great article. Hope all this fluff doesn't go to CPJ's head.

Lots of good quotes including this'n to Phil Fulmer ...

“Phil said, ‘You’re pretty good at this. You want to come do this with us?’ “ Johnson recalled. “I said, ‘Hey, dude, if I had to throw it on third-and-2, I’d get out of that offense.’ He started laughing.”

:ROFLMAO: "Hey dude" That's so CPJ.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
The option will always work if it's blocked properly. It's tough for two guys to stop three.

I completely agree but it takes a lot of dedicated practice to get good execution (timing, blocking, ball security) and you have to be a believer and put in the hard work to make it happen. It takes a "hard nose" like CPJ who is a believer and is dedicated to the hard work. Its not an offense for the "soft".


Helluva Engineer

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
New Year's Day, 1970, undefeated wishbone team Texas playing Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl. Reporters kept asking if Texas was going to have to pass more to defeat a team like Notre Dame and their dominating defense. Coach Royal responded, "Dance with the one that brung ya," or "We're gonna dance with the one that brung us."

Really cool of CPJ to give that homage to a tradition by bringing up that old quote. By the way, Texas won the game and the national title. The winning drive included a clutch fourth down pass.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I completely agree but it takes a lot of dedicated practice to get good execution (timing, blocking, ball security) and you have to be a believer and put in the hard work to make it happen. It takes a "hard nose" like CPJ who is a believer and is dedicated to the hard work. Its not an offense for the "soft".
Yes. I think the quote (paraphrase) I heard once from CPJ was, "You have to commit to it (for it to work)."