

Helluva Engineer
So, here is what GT has done after halftime on defense since Clemson:
BGSU-7 Points
Louisville-7 points (not counting 7 in a last minute garbage time drive aginst the backups)
Duke-21 points
VT-7 points
UNC-18 points
Miami-7 points
UVA-6 points

That's....pretty good, actually. When you consider that the Duke game all three touchdowns came on short fields, it looks like perhaps GT's defense tightens up in the 2nd half.


Helluva Engineer
So, here is what GT has done after halftime on defense since Clemson:
BGSU-7 Points
Louisville-7 points (not counting 7 in a last minute garbage time drive aginst the backups)
Duke-21 points
VT-7 points
UNC-18 points
Miami-7 points
UVA-6 points

That's....pretty good, actually. When you consider that the Duke game all three touchdowns came on short fields, it looks like perhaps GT's defense tightens up in the 2nd half.
Sat next to a real nice guy at the Miami game who was struggling to believe that this year Tech seems to be a 1st half offense team (we were one last year too but usually with CPJ we’re a second half team) and a 2nd half defense team.

Certainly is strange compared to previous years.


Helluva Engineer
Hopefully this next Saturday we can start making adjustments a little earlier, like halfway through the first quarter

Who sits down with the defense on the sidelines (while the offense is on the field) and does in-game adjustments? Does Woody do that? I ask because I’m also wondering about the offense. CPJ is our offensive coordinator but I’ve never seen him doing X’s and O’s with the offense during the game because he’s on the sideline the entire game. Maybe relaying in-game adjustments directly to the players isn’t the job of the OC and DC. Somebody help me out, please.

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Helluva Engineer
i think the defensive adjustment thing at half is overblown. We run the same plays. Sometimes its less about X and O adjustments and more time allowed for the kids to get their minds right, settle down, less amped up, and play the system. I have watched tape of the halves. The calls are the same. Occasionally we may bring more pressure or sit back more depending on the game scenario, but the adjustments are not these massive overhauls. I think alot of it is just the players settling in and having time to regroup.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Since BG, GT’s defense has averaged 26.5 points per game tying Roofs 2016 performances and beating 2017 performance of 28 points per game. Although not completely fair as Roofs numbers include the whole year.

I sure hope next year the system/players improves enough to allow some tighter coverages.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
So, here is what GT has done after halftime on defense since Clemson:
BGSU-7 Points
Louisville-7 points (not counting 7 in a last minute garbage time drive aginst the backups)
Duke-21 points
VT-7 points
UNC-18 points
Miami-7 points
UVA-6 points

That's....pretty good, actually. When you consider that the Duke game all three touchdowns came on short fields, it looks like perhaps GT's defense tightens up in the 2nd half.

Technically, all 4 of Dukes TD's came on short fields. The 1st QTR TD by them was a 52 yard drive compared to their second TD which was a 57 yard drive after the turnover. That was probably our best defensive effort all season.


Jolly Good Fellow
I was curious so I looked up how our opponents did in their first offensive possession. Not liking our defense giving up a touchdown in 4 of the last 5 games . . .

Alcorn - Punt
USF - Interception
Pitt - Punt
Clemson - Punt
BG - Field Goal
Louisville - Turnover on Downs
Duke - Touchdown
VT - Touchdown
UNC - Punt
Miami - Touchdown
Virginia - Touchdown

And for comparison sake, here is how our offensive did in their first possession.

Alcorn - Touchdown
USF - Field Goal
Pitt - Punt
Clemson - Punt
BG - Touchdown
Louisville - Touchdown
Duke - Punt
VT - Touchdown
UNC - Fumble, UNC returned for Touchdown
Miami - Touchdown
Virginia - Field Goal


Helluva Engineer
Lovely Ducktown,Tennessee
So, here is what GT has done after halftime on defense since Clemson:
BGSU-7 Points
Louisville-7 points (not counting 7 in a last minute garbage time drive aginst the backups)
Duke-21 points
VT-7 points
UNC-18 points
Miami-7 points
UVA-6 points

That's....pretty good, actually. When you consider that the Duke game all three touchdowns came on short fields, it looks like perhaps GT's defense tightens up in the 2nd half.
The defense has come to play since the Clemson game:cool::D:smuggrin:


Helluva Engineer
Of halfway through the first drive?

Nice to see you, @ilovetheoption . I sent CavMan to your house to do a wellness check but he never came back.

It's actually kind of weird. I already consider UVa's season a success, and I think we're going to tear up VT, so this loss didn't sting that much. A win for GT meant more than a win for UVa, IMO.

Call me a fool, but I GENUINELY believe Woody is going to end up being a pretty daggone good DC at GT if he gets the time, and I FURTHER think that after this year, GT will be in a better position QB-wise because the whole Jaylend Ratliffe's head/Matthew Jordan's foot/Lucas Johnson's everything trifecta of injuries that have torn up the position the past 2 years will have been recruited through, and you'll be improved at the position. (that is to say, I think Lucas Johnson next year will be better than TaQuon Marshall this year, and everybody else will obviously be a year older and better).

THIS was the year that could have been a disaster (new defense, players not recruited to it, and flawed QB play, combined with a pretty ferocious schedule), and could have meant the end for Johnson.

I think you guys are going to get smoked by UGA, but you're going to go bowling, and that will be enough to keep recruiting going, so the future looks good.


i think the defensive adjustment thing at half is overblown. We run the same plays. Sometimes its less about X and O adjustments and more time allowed for the kids to get their minds right, settle down, less amped up, and play the system. I have watched tape of the halves. The calls are the same. Occasionally we may bring more pressure or sit back more depending on the game scenario, but the adjustments are not these massive overhauls. I think alot of it is just the players settling in and having time to regroup.

Yeah you won’t see a brand new game plan for half #2. Adjustments are usually fixes to what isn’t being executed to coaches liking or small tweaks to counter what the other team is having success with.