Addressing the Vad Lee situation

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Retired Co-Founder
Alright, the time is here to discuss it since people have so many questions and a lot of rumors are going around.

I'm not one to speculate or try to start up rumors but here is what I know...

As people have been speculating for awhile...Vad Lee is considering a transfer. He has been going back and forth between this decision for awhile...I talked to his family at the Clemson game and they told me then that he was going to transfer.

His family wants him to transfer but he did not have his mind made up then and it is something he has been debating for quite awhile now. Vad loves his teammates and doesn't want to let them down but is torn between that and what he feels is best for his family and himself.

I don't know if he has made a final decision or if he has submitted paper work yet.


Ramblin' Wreck
Hate to see it come to this, but I believe Vad has a much higher ceiling of potential in a shotgun system and not running this wierd **** that we do. Paul refuses to Tailor the offense to his players strengths. If I was him I would be gone, heck I wouldn't have even signed with tech in the first place. I want him to stay, but if he wants to be the best player he can be, he needs to transfer.


Helluva Engineer
I don't blame him CPJ basically neutered him of what he does best. Im not even sure why he was recruited if that's how he was gonna play him. Im not sure about his development either.

I don't like it. I think it's a mistake. But CPJ isn't interested in adjusting his offense so maybe it's best.


Helluva Engineer
Loganville, GA
I'm torn as well on if this is a good or bad thing..... And man if he was thinking about it all the way back to the Clemson game, I could see his gameplay being affected.


Helluva Engineer
It's a good thing if you want to see our offense do what it's tailored to do and that is run the triple option. We maybe ran 3-4 triple option plays in the bowl game. It was painfully obvious that Vad can't run the option. He couldn't make the reads and his footwork was awful. I really pulled hard for the kid but it is a smart decision for him.


Helluva Engineer
How will this affect the locker room? This is a bad precedent I can't think of a starting QB to leave a program when not beaten out.

Geez toxic ain't the word....


Im a 3*
How will this affect the locker room? This is a bad precedent I can't think of a starting QB to leave a program when not beaten out.

Geez toxic ain't the word....

Not sure, but this is CPJ 3rd QB to leave the program.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
No way to spin this in a positive light for my beloved alma mater.

I'm finding myself agreeing with ATL1. Could be toxic especially with guys like Bostic, A. Williams, etc coming out with those cryptic tweets. SMDH.

Sebastian GT

Jolly Good Fellow
Johnson has taken a throw first run second QB with good wheels and asked him to be a down the line, service academy style triple option QB. It does not work and never will work and on top of that he has put one of the worst offensive lines I have ever seen in D-1 football in front of him. You can blame the line play on scheme or talent or both but the bottom line is it is terrible. It's not fair to Vad or the team for this situation to go on and whatever bill of goods Johnson used to get Vad to sign here (Hawaii tape, etc...) should be flushed down the toilet because it was BS. He is to stubborn to make those kind of changes to his base offense. I hope Vad doesn't leave because despite the the rough year I feel he is our best hope for any semblance of a passing attack the next two years whether Johnson is here or not but especially if Johnson is not here the next coach would most likely do wonders for Vad in a more wide open offense. A scheme change on the o-line would also help tremendously. It's a shame it has come to this. This football program is in a lot of trouble.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
This is very disappointing news but if he's been thinking about it since the Clempson game it seem clear that he's made up his mind. It wouldn't be a stretch to say this affected his play as well.

Was about to insinuate the same. Best thing would've been to step aside. This isn't a game to be played half-in.
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