

Southeastern Michigan
If programs are letting the inmates run the asylum in this manner they see doomed to have major issues in the future. Amazingly deplorable if true.

It has amazed me for years......the stuff that students demand and get through sit ins, protests, boycotts etc. up here. At Tech they would have said "get the **** off campus and never come back.

Not to mention that they can withdraw from a class up to the last day of class.


Helluva Engineer
dressedcheesesid: Interesting article! If this is presently happening and Fisher is aware of this, then no, he does not deserve praise. I have heard many bad things about FSU in the past, but had not heard or seen anything like this lately. All of this type of action is repulsive to me, and should be to those who are interested in honesty and fair play. I will keep my eyes and ears open for other articles and topics regarding Jimbo Fisher and his handling of the athletic problems. Up until now, that is the only negative thing I have seen about FSU football under his direction. I have judged him mostly on interviews I have seen on TV.
Part of me wishes I'd never seen that article and can be proud of our conference brother. Part of me wishes it's not true and just a bunch of lies from an anonymous disgruntled ex prof, but that's highly unlikely. Part of me wonders how wide spread this type of BS is throughout college football and is this the price our society is paying to watch top shelf college football.


Helluva Engineer
That "article" has the feel of the work of fiction imo. It wouldnt surprise me in the least to discover FSU is cheating but that particular writeup just doesn't pass my smell test.
Or do you not want it to pass your smell test? Why would someone make all that stuff up and risk a lawsuit for no apparent reason? I'm just curious why bigger/national media outlets didn't jump on that story and run with it. Fwiw, I hope it's all contrived. If not, it's a very sad commentary on the sport we all cherish.


Helluva Engineer
If programs are letting the inmates run the asylum in this manner they see doomed to have major issues in the future. Amazingly deplorable if true.
Yes read article about I.Meyer at Fla and found out he had some problems with the elite of his team....seems there was rules for different set of folks.Was surprised since I thought Meyer was a strict coach like Saban...As you say somebody will run the asylum either the inmates or the warden........I grew up when the Warden did it all........some still do this like Saban,GOL,Beamer,Les Miles etc..


Helluva Engineer
Or do you not want it to pass your smell test? Why would someone make all that stuff up and risk a lawsuit for no apparent reason? I'm just curious why bigger/national media outlets didn't jump on that story and run with it. Fwiw, I hope it's all contrived. If not, it's a very sad commentary on the sport we all cherish.
Hey Cheese...I think FSU and Aubie and others dropped the idea of student athlete long time ago.Remember the running back they had that went to the pros and didnt even attend class ! Problem is they view winning as the only thing and we dont at tech so in many cases we dont get the gifted players who are not that academically gifted.Of course FSU doesnt care and neither does Georgie or anybody else who wins.Do you think a Aubie engineer worries about his degree being tarnished by a players courses...dont think so.Yet as PJ says it is what it is and it aint going to change anytime soon in big schools.


Helluva Engineer
I am not sure now and this is my opinion only but some type of inter problems are affecting the football team.This team reminds me some of JN senior year when PJ said there were problmes on the team ....all I can say is I see Lee leaving and good luck to him and JD evidently doesnt like anybody to tell him anything so I get that.........but Bostic is home grown and he is tweeting about a coach like PJ and that is not the kid we watched win the player of the year in the CSRA.I think PJ is pretty good with the offense but not so sure he has the respect or maybe FEAR that GOL could instill in players.I think JT being placed in the option will help stop some of the problems but when a coach like PJ has to go public and repeat he is staying at tech....something is underfoot.Of course being a old retired or semi retired Magistrate in a small county you always look at both sides..What say ye !


Helluva Engineer
I am not sure now and this is my opinion only but some type of inter problems are affecting the football team.This team reminds me some of JN senior year when PJ said there were problmes on the team ....all I can say is I see Lee leaving and good luck to him and JD evidently doesnt like anybody to tell him anything so I get that.........but Bostic is home grown and he is tweeting about a coach like PJ and that is not the kid we watched win the player of the year in the CSRA.I think PJ is pretty good with the offense but not so sure he has the respect or maybe FEAR that GOL could instill in players.I think JT being placed in the option will help stop some of the problems but when a coach like PJ has to go public and repeat he is staying at tech....something is underfoot.Of course being a old retired or semi retired Magistrate in a small county you always look at both sides..What say ye !
Interesting thoughts mack. Yeah, I'm not sure why Bostic hasn't panned out at Aback, he seems tailor made for it. Maybe it's the blocking. Did he have to block in hs? It's job no 1 here. I wonder if he'd be better suited at wr? But you still have to block there, too.

Rodney Kent

Ramblin' Wreck
McDonough, GA
Mack: I agree, there has to be some disagreements between the player and coach when a kid is thinking of transferring (other than girlfriends, grades, etal). Sometimes, a coach tells a kid one thing when he is wooing the recruit, but does not tell the kid the whole story. I can honestly see a back, (A, B, or WR) come into this program with dreams of running the ball and catching the ball to show off his talents. Yet, many times the kid gets into the game a few times and his only task is to block. This means he only gets to block most of the time unless he is the featured back. This is highly discouraging to the backs. It is also discouraging to the receivers. Yes, an offensive back or receiver is expected to block in every offense in some way, but most of their blocks in the other systems is more of getting in the way or just a quick block to give the runner a gap.

In this system our backs and receivers are asked to be Kama Kazi blockers (throwing your body into the defender to destroy him). This is not the dream of a running back nor receiver. You can take defenders out of the play with as much diversion as you can blocking. However, it is a must that the linemen block to open up gaps on the line. That is their job, and they enjoy it.


Helluva Engineer
Mack: I agree, there has to be some disagreements between the player and coach when a kid is thinking of transferring (other than girlfriends, grades, etal). Sometimes, a coach tells a kid one thing when he is wooing the recruit, but does not tell the kid the whole story. I can honestly see a back, (A, B, or WR) come into this program with dreams of running the ball and catching the ball to show off his talents. Yet, many times the kid gets into the game a few times and his only task is to block. This means he only gets to block most of the time unless he is the featured back. This is highly discouraging to the backs. It is also discouraging to the receivers. Yes, an offensive back or receiver is expected to block in every offense in some way, but most of their blocks in the other systems is more of getting in the way or just a quick block to give the runner a gap.

In this system our backs and receivers are asked to be Kama Kazi blockers (throwing your body into the defender to destroy him). This is not the dream of a running back nor receiver. You can take defenders out of the play with as much diversion as you can blocking. However, it is a must that the linemen block to open up gaps on the line. That is their job, and they enjoy it.
Robbie Godhigh and Bay Bay Thomas.


Helluva Engineer
Interesting thoughts mack. Yeah, I'm not sure why Bostic hasn't panned out at Aback, he seems tailor made for it. Maybe it's the blocking. Did he have to block in hs? It's job no 1 here. I wonder if he'd be better suited at wr? But you still have to block there, too.
No kid ran a wide and I mean wide open offense with five wrs.He was very quick but not more than 155 if they told the truth at the school.He was promised a shot at qb I knew this was not happening but he was good basketball player and leader and student and yeah maybe the blocking has something to do with it since yep,not any time blocking in HS.Just not the guy we knew in HS with the tweeter thing...not cool.


Helluva Engineer
Mack: I agree, there has to be some disagreements between the player and coach when a kid is thinking of transferring (other than girlfriends, grades, etal). Sometimes, a coach tells a kid one thing when he is wooing the recruit, but does not tell the kid the whole story. I can honestly see a back, (A, B, or WR) come into this program with dreams of running the ball and catching the ball to show off his talents. Yet, many times the kid gets into the game a few times and his only task is to block. This means he only gets to block most of the time unless he is the featured back. This is highly discouraging to the backs. It is also discouraging to the receivers. Yes, an offensive back or receiver is expected to block in every offense in some way, but most of their blocks in the other systems is more of getting in the way or just a quick block to give the runner a gap.

In this system our backs and receivers are asked to be Kama Kazi blockers (throwing your body into the defender to destroy him). This is not the dream of a running back nor receiver. You can take defenders out of the play with as much diversion as you can blocking. However, it is a must that the linemen block to open up gaps on the line. That is their job, and they enjoy it.
Agree with you and lets face it there are many many backs in this offense and two plays a game is noteworthy.I again say if you are wanting to run outside this aint the offense for you and yes you have to block and not many hs kids have blocked before.I can see some discontent...My first yr we had to let a kid go for drinking beer(yeah I know its minimal now)in 1970.Guy was a leader ,great inside linebacker on our 44 and he has seven seniors in his class from a 6-3-1 team..guys just folded and we went 1-9.It can happen if it is not caught early so I guess we shall see.


Or do you not want it to pass your smell test? Why would someone make all that stuff up and risk a lawsuit for no apparent reason? I'm just curious why bigger/national media outlets didn't jump on that story and run with it. Fwiw, I hope it's all contrived. If not, it's a very sad commentary on the sport we all cherish.
It was mostly the way it was worded...seperate incidents on separate people reacting basically in the same manner...both teachers sited were shocked and physically afraid according to the article...both ran off to consult a "mentor". Since when have professor's have mentored. There also appeared to be no follow up by said provessors regarding any of the questionable acts. Just the way it was written seemed kinda fabricated. I also find it hard to believe these professors didn't appear to follow up on any of this with coaches / ADs / faculty heads etc. Just seemed a bit contrived but I have a skeptical mind at times.


Southeastern Michigan
It was mostly the way it was worded...seperate incidents on separate people reacting basically in the same manner...both teachers sited were shocked and physically afraid according to the article...both ran off to consult a "mentor". Since when have professor's have mentored. There also appeared to be no follow up by said provessors regarding any of the questionable acts. Just the way it was written seemed kinda fabricated. I also find it hard to believe these professors didn't appear to follow up on any of this with coaches / ADs / faculty heads etc. Just seemed a bit contrived but I have a skeptical mind at times.

Almost all professors have mentors. My wife has one, she has a few that consider her their mentor. Unfortunately, in the world of academia.....there are processes / protocols that MUST be followed. And believe me, if you step outside of those, you can get squashed. (It drives me crazy) Much like Joe Paterno followed the "process" only to be vilified by those that do not understand the whole academia process. (My wife is tenured.....but currently going 'up' for full professor.......the politics involved are worse than a federal election.)


Helluva Engineer
Kinda related, but did you happen to notice all of the personal fouls in the bowl games? Not late hits, but the stupid antics after the play was over. CFB needs to separate the thugs from the student athletes. Makes me not want to watch certain teams anymore.


Helluva Engineer
Kinda related, but did you happen to notice all of the personal fouls in the bowl games? Not late hits, but the stupid antics after the play was over. CFB needs to separate the thugs from the student athletes. Makes me not want to watch certain teams anymore.[/quoteWhen this happens it is always at the wrong time.Only thing you can do is raise hell and bench the guy...Willing to bet though if he did it at tech he did a bunch of it in HS.


Southeastern Michigan
Kinda related, but did you happen to notice all of the personal fouls in the bowl games? Not late hits, but the stupid antics after the play was over. CFB needs to separate the thugs from the student athletes. Makes me not want to watch certain teams anymore.

I would like to see 'motioning for a penalty flag' to be a unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. I think that is far more offensive after almost every incomplete pass than the "celebrations" after a touchdown.

decatur jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Decatur, GA
I am not sure now and this is my opinion only but some type of inter problems are affecting the football team.This team reminds me some of JN senior year when PJ said there were problmes on the team ....all I can say is I see Lee leaving and good luck to him and JD evidently doesnt like anybody to tell him anything so I get that.........but Bostic is home grown and he is tweeting about a coach like PJ and that is not the kid we watched win the player of the year in the CSRA.I think PJ is pretty good with the offense but not so sure he has the respect or maybe FEAR that GOL could instill in players.I think JT being placed in the option will help stop some of the problems but when a coach like PJ has to go public and repeat he is staying at tech....something is underfoot.Of course being a old retired or semi retired Magistrate in a small county you always look at both sides..What say ye !

I think CPJ is a little better than "pretty good" with the offense. We had struggles this year and I think we now know why. Our QB in this offense has to be the aggressor. It's the only way to sell the pitch. VL just wasn't that or willing to be that. Hopefully JT or another is ready to be that.

Also, in regards to GOL, players fear you when you are involved in running one of them to death. Ultimately he was absolved of wrong doing (I guess), but there were reports right after that had him verbally berating the kid that died minutes before he collapsed. Also had that incident here that led to a player leaving the team. We can all call that guy a wimp or whatever, but he took a D-1 football player and broke him to the point that he quit the team.