ACC 2014 football wrap: Georgia Tech


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19,001 does a pretty good job with articles covering all ACC teams. This is a month old, but times are slow in the offseason...

ACC 2014 football wrap: Georgia Tech (Justin Thomas keys Yellow Jackets' surge)

Preseason prediction: "Count on a bowl bid from the Yellow Jackets, but this doesn't look like a division winner even in this year's muddled Coastal." (6-6, 3-5 ACC)

Georgia Tech in 100ish words: Well, that projection was pretty terrible, wasn't it? The Yellow Jackets installed about as perfect a quarterback for the triple option as they could find (Justin Thomas) and simply wore people out with an offense that was really only contained once all season (by Clemson, and even then Georgia Tech averaged five yards a carry).

A bend-but-don't-break defense was statistically run-of-the-mill, but showed a knack for producing points when it had to (there were two interception returns for scores against Clemson). Given the Yellow Jackets' offensive efficiency, the defense usually needed to make just one stop a quarter (if not slightly less) and things would be fine. For the most part, that worked out well.

There's more in the article if you're interested including a 2015 prediction.