A lot of talking heads starting to pick us


Helluva Engineer
ESPN goobers on the ramblin' wreck bandwagon vs Free Legs. Kiss of death: Heather Dinich picked us.

One guy said the key was Laskey and mentioned how he likes to soft shoulder guys. I heard Zach say that, too. What does that mean?


Ramblin' Wreck
I dont like this....everyone at my office has said to me all week that Tech is going to win (mostly all SEC grads)....its weird and I'm not used to all the support and backing. Tech always has been great as an underdog, not so much as the favorite...good thing the betting line is still favoring FSU. I'm hoping the guys are going into the game with full confidence in winning but not over confident where they have already won. This team seems different though, seems to keep that chip on their shoulder at all times.


Ramblin' Wreck
Just hope our guys look at the line, and realize we are the underdogs, and if we don't give it everything, we will NOT win. I think our guys have level heads, and this should NOT be a problem, but they are young guys.

I really feel great about chances to win, but let's not fool ourselves, we are going to have to play a great game to win this one. FSU is getting all kind of fuel with all the negative press about winning sloppy + crab legs, to try and put one on us to make a statement.


Helluva Engineer
Montgomery, TX (77356)
We need to keep from making mistakes like penalties we can avoid, off sides, illegal motion, roughing passer, kicker, unnecessary roughness, unsportsman type stuff. Not throw interceptions. Not have refs that don't blow whistles and allow balls to be pried loose. Play confident but not tight.

As has been said we are playing with house money. Pressure on FSU and Winston(he seems to thrive on it). Our defense needs to keep coming, tackling, and pressuring QB. We can do it! We will do it!!


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
Good point about the refs....I was worried that the ACC refs might try to pull some close call shenanigans, since if FSU lost, no ACC team could make the playoff, but NOW, I think whether we or FSU wins, there is a high likelihood that both teams go to one of the 5 major bowl games, so $$ should not be a concern to the ACC.....


Georgia Tech Fan
I was
Good point about the refs....I was worried that the ACC refs might try to pull some close call shenanigans, since if FSU lost, no ACC team could make the playoff, but NOW, I think whether we or FSU wins, there is a high likelihood that both teams go to one of the 5 major bowl games, so $$ should not be a concern to the ACC.....
I amthinking the same thing about refs. Don't even give them a reason to throw a flag.

Hoping the 2nd half of last weeks game is what we see this week.

Go Jackets! Last post before leaving work for the Queen City.


Jolly Good Fellow
Embrace it folks. This is what happens when you're a good team.

Lots of people thought Alabama would beat Notre Dame in 2012, too.


Ramblin' Wreck
ESPN goobers on the ramblin' wreck bandwagon vs Free Legs. Kiss of death: Heather Dinich picked us.

One guy said the key was Laskey and mentioned how he likes to soft shoulder guys. I heard Zach say that, too. What does that mean?
I'm thinking this means don't hit them with a hard shoulder. Instead of trying to go through the contact, try slipping around it.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
ESPN goobers on the ramblin' wreck bandwagon vs Free Legs. Kiss of death: Heather Dinich picked us.

One guy said the key was Laskey and mentioned how he likes to soft shoulder guys. I heard Zach say that, too. What does that mean?
I think of Laskey as indicating his ability to "bounce off" initial contact when he says that he throws a soft shoulder. He is not so much trying to drive his shoulder through the defender as to soften the defenders blow/impact by cutting the distance between them and presenting a bad angle and a shoulder that "gives" way purposefully to deflect/redirect the tackler's momentum. He makes contact quick with his shoulder on the move, kind of like parrying in fencing or a karate move. On the karate analogy think of Laskey as utilizing a low-energy expending Miagi-style "wax-on, wax-off" defense against the tackler with his lowered but "soft" shoulder so that he can then accelerate past the initial contact and seem to "bounce" off the defender.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
I should add that Synjyn is more willing to attempt to truck the defender. Given the difference in size and strength these two strategies make sense for each BB and when they are rotated has to make life miserable on the defenders. They can get frustrated by Laskey's bouncing off them for awhile and then *POW* they get trucked by Days.