A few things.


GT Athlete
A few things. I’m sure I’ll get flamed by some.

I wanna start out by saying, I think it’s interesting when 90% of the posters on here predicted anywhere from 5-7 wins before the season, and most on here were predicting us to lose this game (go back and look at the prediction thread and preseason win total thread), yet when we actually lose a game we’re expected lose, people lose their minds. (We opened as a 10 point dog.)

Losing sucks. I absolutely hate losing, especially when we gifted them a couple scores, but we did in my opinion play a deeper team with superior talent at their place…who’s also ranked and undefeated and won 10 games a year ago with a title game appearance and reloaded via the portal. It wasn’t Bowling Green.

3-2 is I think where most thought we’d be at this point in the season, but when we’re actually 3-2, the sky is falling. I figured we’d be 3-2, but with the FSU and Cuse games flipped. I still think McCord is one of the top 1-2 quarterbacks we’ll face.

I know fandom can make people irrational, but after losing ON THE ROAD to pretty good Syracuse and Louisville teams, people are wondering where we’re gonna find the other wins to become bowl eligible, which, again, was kind of our target given our schedule, which all of a sudden doesn’t seem as daunting, because…

We still get to play…
- Duke (Beat terrible MTSU, Elon…and beat terrible UCONN and NW by 5 & 6 pts.)
- UNC (Seemingly terrible but gef will pull out all the stops to beat us. His Super Bowl)
- Notre Dame (Maybe not as good as we thought but will be tough. At least we don’t travel. Probably be like a home game for them though.)
- Seemingly terrible VT
- Seemingly terrible NCSU

We CAN win all of those. We also get Miami at home and you never know what can happen in COFH. We better than Kentucky? GA loses 2-4 between now and then, I can see that culture imploding.

Keep in mind Cuse and Louisville had all the time in the world to prepare for us. We were Cuse’s second game following Ohio, Louisville got a bye before us after playing Jax St and Austin Peay. We’ve haven’t rested while globe trotting. We finally get a much needed bye. We lose to Duke? Yes, we would have the green light to panic.

Having said all that. No excuses. Win every game.

***One little extra tidbit I saw on twitter yesterday. The ones moaning the loudest about coaching and play calling…most of the time don’t even know what formation we’re in, or what personnel we have out, or what coverage we’re in. The same ones who think our defense gave up 31 points yesterday. Thought that was funny. And true.

Relax, guys. We’re fine. For now.


Helluva Engineer
***One little extra tidbit I saw on twitter yesterday. The ones moaning the loudest about coaching and play calling…most of the time don’t even know what formation we’re in, or what personnel we have out, or what coverage we’re in. The same ones who think our defense gave up 31 points yesterday. Thought that was funny. And true.

Relax, guys. We’re fine. For now.
I’m not an expert, but I generally know about inside/outside zone, counter, stretch, read option, etc. On defense I know Cover 0/1/2/3/4/6/9. I generally understand how OCs try to attack each. I have some very basic knowledge about blocking schemes on these plays too. But honestly most of it boils down to trying to get a numbers advantage or a 1:1 mismatch. Yesterday we were at a numbers disadvantage quite often, and that doesn’t turn out well.

King is a better passer than most give him credit for. We can attack downfield without needing to run if required. It’s actually when we’ve looked the best this year. But we are stubborn about running the ball to a fault this year. I get the feeling Key is setting some very specific requirements about how he wants the game to go that may be holding us back. If so, Key needs to let Buster open it up and adjust.


Helluva Engineer
I agree with @MonroeJacket's assessment but also concur with @tomknight's point that despite being an expected 3-2, the losses were both very winnable games. The FSU win led to higher expectations, thus the frustration.

Does that mean we are actually a better team than most predicted before the season? Perhaps - if we could just put together a game against an ACC opponent where all three phases performed up to standard.


Helluva Engineer
Key has us to the point where most of our games WILL be close. So when we win it will be heart thumping excitement like the end of FSU. When we lose it will be demoralizing at the end. That’s where we are which is a huge improvement over 100-0 and being made fun of on national TV. Key has time to recruit and build it where we start putting the wins away earlier. Gailey was given 7 years so Key has the next 4 seasons to get it done.


Helluva Engineer
I agree with @MonroeJacket's assessment but also concur with @tomknight's point that despite being an expected 3-2, the losses were both very winnable games. The FSU win led to higher expectations, thus the frustration.

Does that mean we are actually a better team than most predicted before the season? Perhaps - if we could just put together a game against an ACC opponent where all three phases performed up to standard.
We are a better team than last year no doubt. But the record may not reflect it because in close games stuff happens to cause the win or loss. It happens to ALL teams in the middle tier. We have 1 game left on our schedule where the other team simply has better players and coaching than us where it will take more than making a play here or there. We simply didn’t do it yesterday in short yardage situations and we lost.


Helluva Engineer
Context matters. We looked lost and sloppy all game and despite that, we lost by 12 after giving up 14 easy points on two disastrous plays. There is a reason to be pissed off. A better prepared team wins this game.

Spalding Jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Football is a simple game, it’s mostly about numbers, angles and grass. The times it is not is when you are facing superiorly talented player(s). Now Lville whipped our oline consistently yesterday, do they just have a vastly more superior dline? What about Cuse? I don’t think either. So does that mean our coaches are not following some of these basic concepts? If so that’s concerning considering the pay. It does appear we are too predictable and stubborn to run into loaded boxes to try and impose our will and land body blows on the opposing Ds. It does not appear to work as often as Key would like to believe. The other issue is that King gets beat up in the process so now he’s hurting a bit and fatigued so now his throws will be less accurate and powerful for deep throws. Going a little into the mental side, everybody loves the tough mentality, but I am concerned we take this too far and maybe in practice as well where we maybe going 100% 3 days a week in full pads after all this traveling and it’s accumulated on the players. They appeared so much faster against FSU than any other game this season, I really hope they get an extra day off or at least one less day of full pads on off week. Also I hope no one on the team is seeing any of our future opponents as weak, I expect all of the games to be dogfights.

Home Park Jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
King is a better passer than most give him credit for. We can attack downfield without needing to run if required. It’s actually when we’ve looked the best this year. But we are stubborn about running the ball to a fault this year. I get the feeling Key is setting some very specific requirements about how he wants the game to go that may be holding us back. If so, Key needs to let Buster open it up and adjust.
Key's RUN THE BAWL is losing us games.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
How many posts do we need complaining about fans that are upset after losing a winnable game? That is what fans do. That is what fans have always done and always will do. Go check out the Baylor message boards and tell me about how calm and collected they are today.
I'm guessing with the bye this week maybe 4 or 5 more, unless you think we should start a petition not to wear blue pants again.


Helluva Engineer
I'm with tomknight. Our two losses were two of the most frustrating I van remember. At some point late in both gamed I was pretty sure we would win.
Maybe that is just more frustrating for fans?

Losing to ND 55-0, everybody in the stands around me knew by the end of the first quarter that there was zero chance in the game. Probably most didn't believe there was any shot before getting to the game. There were loud screams about TFG, and how they were not pleased with him. However, there wasn't any consternation about that game after a few minutes into it. Yesterday we could have won the game. There are several individual plays and coaching decisions that, if done differently, could have resulted in a win: Don't fumble a lateral. Don't have a FG blocked and returned. Go for it on fourth and half a yard, which would set up for kicking a FG to tie on fourth and three.

GT played well. Gt could have won the game. Late in the game, GT still had a chance in the game. It is frustrating that such simple things could have changed the outcome. However, I would much rather be in this position that be sitting at the start fourth quarter down 55-0 with the other team already using their third string players. (And not even able to score against the scrimmage players)


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
***One little extra tidbit I saw on twitter yesterday. The ones moaning the loudest about coaching and play calling…most of the time don’t even know what formation we’re in, or what personnel we have out, or what coverage we’re in. The same ones who think our defense gave up 31 points yesterday. Thought that was funny. And true.

Obviously the OC isn't calling the correct play if they don't work....

harry potter book GIF


Helluva Engineer
Obviously the OC isn't calling the correct play if they don't work....
Well, yeah. But when there’s no variety the masses tend to be correct. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I think that quote applies here. Our inside zones and counters have been highly ineffective on this continent this year. Is it blocking or defensive scheme? Probably a bit of both. The O line isn’t performing exceptionally well, but it also seems like we are putting them in a bad spot where they simply don’t have enough bodies cover defenders. Whatever it is, we seemingly aren’t doing anything to address it, as it’s been a month and we keep running into the backsides of our linemen. We can’t keep this up. The coaches need to either fix the blocking issues or scheme around our deficiencies.