A few notes from practice Tuesday

I would put it more weasely, but that pretty much sums up my thought. We talk up our many solid players when we beat a middle talent team. Then when we play a Miami, a Clemson, a Georgia we go into frenzy mode about how badly we were out athleted. The B back in our system is a key role. We need to have a star there if we want to move from the 7-8 win level to the 9-10 win level.

Could not agree more. This entire offense relies on production from the B-back. The B-back is helped immensely if the quarterback is skilled at the mesh, the initial read, running the midline,and if the quarterback is a realistic threat to reach the corner on his own. Vad Lee's lack of execution on all of those issues, severely hampered B-back production. If and when we get better quarterback play, we just have to have a special player at B-back that can take advantage of the opportunity. I personally don't think we have that player on the roster yet. Custis could be the guy, but it is asking a whole lot of a freshman in this system.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
I would put it more weasely, but that pretty much sums up my thought. We talk up our many solid players when we beat a middle talent team. Then when we play a Miami, a Clemson, a Georgia we go into frenzy mode about how badly we were out athleted. The B back in our system is a key role. We need to have a star there if we want to move from the 7-8 win level to the 9-10 win level.
I disagree completely. I think we need a solid B Back, a solid QB that can make all the reads and execute without turnovers (somewhere in TW’s range of athleticism at least), and a great “collective” O-line group (don’t really need any stud stand outs, but every one of them needs to be able to fill their gaps, play together, and not get pummeled every down by more athletic players). If we have that and a defense then we could win 9-10 every year. Unfortunately, I think injuries to the O-line many times messes that up. I agree with CPJ that you don’t need stars to win in his offense (need better than 2 and low 3 stars though), but you do need all the gears working (just an extra set of parenthesis).


Helluva Engineer
Just curious what your response will be when Custis can't beat out Laskey this year and what your impressions of Snoddy/Perkins are since they were moved to AB. I agree with TTP in that I thought there was way more upside to Laskey being on the field than Sims. Laskey was a better receiver IMO also. Sims being a RS Senior and in the program 2 years longer might have had something to do with it too.

I'll be happy for, and rooting hard 100% for whoever wins the starting B-back job! And i believe it will be Laskey coming out of fall camp, he deserves it, but i don't think he will be able to hold onto it. I like Laskey very much he's a great kid, is dependable, solid and has some nice skills but i also have no doubt that if Sims were still here that Laskey would still be backing him up. Custis has the potential to be our next great running back at Tech and i hope he shows it right off the bat. For those who don't think a rookie can win a starting job, please recall that Sims made the switch from quarterback and won his job in camp with basically no previous experience there iirc

I really liked what i saw out of Perkins last year and expect to see a lot of playing time out of him this season. I'm not really holding my breath on Snoddy becoming a huge contributor but i still have hope for the kid.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Do you think CPJ said:
  • These guys, Laskey and Sims, are about equal
  • I need to show someone can rack up rushing yards for recruiting
  • Sims is the Senior
  • All things being about equal, let Sims run, rack up yards, show that you can rack up yards in this system for recruiting, play Laskey as relief, Laskey's turn next year.
Seniority only loses to a clearly better player.

Laskey and Sims both had significant issues pass blocking. Can you really say there was a difference?

I give the edge to Laskey due to maximum effort on every play, but I defer to CPJ years of experience and Sims seniority.

I predict continued pass blocking issues until someone teaches them how to do it better. If everyone fails, then it must be the teacher.
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AE 87

Helluva Engineer
fwiw, Sims and Laskey in 2013 each and together averaged more yards per carry than Ant in 2010. Dwyer in 2008 and 2009 averaged 6.98 and 5.94 ypc respectively. Lasky in 2013 averaged 5.77. While I would be surprised if Zach surpasses Jonathan's 2008 average, I think the 2009 ypc number is in reasonable reach.


Helluva Engineer
a few comments from me....

I don't feel we are thin at DB. We can roll 7 DB's out there with experience...most teams consistently play mostly 6. Barring 2-3 injuries, yes that will hurt, but that hurts almost every team. Our starting 5 is pretty talented...and the 2 backups have serious snaps on their resume. So for me the backend is a question of being on the same page as a unit, no blown assignments, and discipline in the scheme.

LB we will utilize 2 most times due to the 2WR sets...for me this means our depth again isn't an issue. If you look at Nealy, Marcodes, Davis hunt days if we need him, that is 2 deep of decent experience. Even in a base set of 3 LB we may get a little thinner but we have guys with 3 years in the program that should play ok. guys like hankins etc. I think if we have ANY issue at LB it is because we missed in recruiting, not because we are young, etc not numbers like we have on the DL and OL....

DL is a concern. Again. It feels like this is the 5th straight year of being not so good here, in numbers, experience, etc. We always have one guy that is good, maybe 2, but it takes 4. Really, honestly, under Paul this is the most tiring its been discussing how bad we have been at this position. We can make excuses, injuries, recruiting misses, but we are just flat out on empty here. I am seriously concerned here. Gotsis is really easy to run away from when the other 3 aren't that good. This issue may expose the secondary and LB. I actually think while we need to find a WDE, the biggest problem is at SDE. We can manufacture pressure, you don't need a MJ or Sneezy at WDE to be good up front. Just look at tenuta's scheme. We can do things to get pressure in the system, But you can't overcome a guy who can't set the edge at SDE....this for me is the biggest ? on the line. Green and Gotsis will be fine playing the 1 and 3tech....backups are a problem though.

OL is much like the DL...just always seems to be an issue. I just hope whoever our starting 5 is...they stay healthy and practice as a unit all spring. That is my only hope really. I like our options at C. I like the size, youth, talent at T and G. We just need to gel quick. Youth wont' be a problem if we stay healthy as a unit all offseason. I also hope Paul can ID his starting 5 quick and stick with it.

BB is what it is.
AB is what it is.
WR is what it is.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Without question, I want to see a Fr (Custis) beat out a Sr (Laskey). Both will play. If the younger player is better then we are better in the future ...... A lot will be blocking, especially pass blocking that determines who starts. CPJ left pieces of Sims on the field after last year's bowl game for his atrocious blocking.

As a side note, Sims graduated and is not on the team ......???


Retired Co-Founder
Without question, I want to see a Fr (Custis) beat out a Sr (Laskey). Both will play. If the younger player is better then we are better in the future ...... A lot will be blocking, especially pass blocking that determines who starts. CPJ left pieces of Sims on the field after last year's bowl game for his atrocious blocking.

As a side note, Sims graduated and is not on the team ......???

Sims was a Senior.


Retired Co-Founder
Whatever happened to him? He just seemed to fall off the edge of the earth.

Failed out of Tech, was planning to transfer to Purdue...needed something like 2 B's and 1 C or something of that nature...he ended up with a 1 D and 2 F's. So he went back home and thats the end of that story.


One of the best players I have seen in practice.


Helluva Engineer
fwiw, Sims and Laskey in 2013 each and together averaged more yards per carry than Ant in 2010. Dwyer in 2008 and 2009 averaged 6.98 and 5.94 ypc respectively. Lasky in 2013 averaged 5.77. While I would be surprised if Zach surpasses Jonathan's 2008 average, I think the 2009 ypc number is in reasonable reach.

The homerun threat is what we are really missing at B