I realized how far I am in the minority of we should expect and demand success (9 win) and how large the percentage of base is that embraces - that's all we can do - see Lewis, Rodgers, fuel her, - look at the base.
I argued that even if we have sucess this year we would not win over the " can't expect to win more than 7-8 games crowd " unless we kept winning into 2015 with a new cast on offense. I felt we should wait till mid season to decide on "is this the system and staff " ? - if we do great in 15 (freshman AB are fine in offense and we don't need 5th year AB who can perfectly block) would cement even guys like atomic.
Not too long ago we were hoping to elevate our program to more than 7 wins a year. We've had 8 or more wins in 4 of CPJs 7 seasons. Gailey did that once in 6 seasons. O'Leary did it 3 in 6 seasons. Lewis none. Ross twice in 5. Curry once. Rodgers/Fulcher 0 and Carson once. Granted, it was fewer games, but Dodd only one 8 or more once in his last 10 seasons.
So since the 1956 season we've won 8 or more games 13 times.
Raise that to 9 wins? In that last 60 years that'd be 1966; 1970; 1985; 1990; 1998; 2000; 2006; 2008-2009; 2014.
So while I like the optimism and hope we get there, demanding 9 wins a season is a bit excessive. That said, we've done it 4 times in the last 10 years, so things are looking up.