2's & 3's for GSU


Helluva Engineer
Brent has been quoted that he intends to play a lot of minutes with the backups in this game. I have made a list of the ones I would like to see. I tend to lean toward offense as my list shows, which agrees with my wife's opinion of me when she says I have an offensive nature.
Who would you like to see?
1 Leo
15 Harpring
6 Carrie
5 Pyron
35 Cruz
2 Lightsey
15 Butler

Lil G

Ramblin' Wreck
I hope the 1st string gets benched mid 3rd quarter obviously because that means we kicked a$$ and are keeping 1’s healthy.

But I’d really enjoy seeing Pyron play and I have a feeling we will. I think he would be first string at a LOT of schools.

Would be nice for Carrie to get some big stage jitters out

Also wouldn’t complain if we got Philo and Stockton in the game- highschool QB and WR connection that are the future of GT