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  1. Carober18

    Deadspin Top 25 & Bud Foster was thinking about fining players

    I dislike starting threads so I combined two into one. First,*******-college-football-coach-comes-up-with-new-way-to-1726804159 Second, I've been following the top 25 (see background below--not your typical top 25) because the write-ups are pretty entertaining and...
  2. Carober18

    Reigns Saw this on deadspin today. Guy looks familiar... good to see his success. Can succeed in any walk of life if you are passionate about and work at it.
  3. Carober18


    I have just watched some highlights of last season (I think I have watched as many as most on here but not as many as a few), and the value of Smelter last season is incredible. I am not sure I am going out on a limb, but maybe I am--Smelter, to me, was the most valuable receiver CPJ has had at...