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  1. Coach Brent Key Scenario

    I for one am not going to "pick the fly crap form the pepper mill". We have a lot good going on right now, enjoy.
  2. Official Postgame: GT 23-Duke 20

    Punter can control the "hang time" and give up distance. Angle out of bounds is also a good option. Just depends on which one you have the most confidence.
  3. Official Postgame: GT 23-Duke 20

    Punter is out kicking his coverage.
  4. Andrew Thacker

    When you have an entire system failure (offense, defense, special teams) you look for what influences the entire system.
  5. Coach Brent Key Scenario

    I'd give him a contract to the end of next year. Possibly double his current salary. If he does well negotiate a longer term contract.

    From what I understand Collins came in with novel and what some considered unconventional methods of practice. In his defense he may have determined that to compete he would have to innovate. It was not working. Coach Key commented that pactice was too different from games and we need to narrow...

    Brent Key: "This isn't the YMCA. You don't get to play just cause you're on scholarship. You earn the right to play."
  8. Week 5 #GTvsPITT Media

    Choice likley could see the eventual demise of the Collins era.
  9. Nobody Cares

    Then take him out of the game. Don't ever let your teammates, your competition, or your fans see you quit.
  10. Welp. UCF 27 - GT 10

    I've seen it, but there were Irish and whiskey involved.
  11. Most likely wins this year

    Wife has back issues and sitting is her achilles' heal. It's a long day with 3 hours drive time. As an older fan I don't resonate with the new marketing, ATL, 404, Money Down, etc., I realize this is meant for younger fans and players. I'm certain I am no longer in the "target" demographic to...
  12. Most likely wins this year

    "The sad thing is the players gave to play in a vacant stadium because the 48,000 gt grads that live in atl area don't come to games. There is a weird thought amoung the key alumni that withholding support is the path to building a winning program. Fortunately 2 of those games are away games."...
  13. Deion/ GT having discussion?

    "Can he manage timeouts better than Collins?" This is a low bar.
  14. Bottom 25

    It's telling that we debate whether or not we belong in the bottom 25.
  15. We would be a Top 25 team this year…

    I'm not sure how big a deal being "nominated for the Broyles' Award is given they have 15 simifinalist. If he were a finalist or semifinalist that would be noteworthy...
  16. Quantify a "good" performance on Monday

    You're describing a team and staff that has been together for several seasons. I hope they can look as good as you have described, it would prove me wrong on Collins ability.
  17. 2022 GT Roster Ranked 30th Nationally in 247 Talent Composite

    No, Ray Donaldson. Played at Georgia.
  18. 2022 GT Roster Ranked 30th Nationally in 247 Talent Composite

    Sometimes good coaching is getting the players in the right positition. A player, that was a couple of years behind me in high school, was an All State Linbacker and played his first year at the linebacker position in college. His second year he was moved to center. He hated the move, but he did...
  19. Geoff Collins: Program Building (video)

    Has anyone seen this?
  20. AJC Article

    I think the point of the article is: "the honeymoon is over".