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  1. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    Are you just trying to kill the thread before it hits 200 pages? 😉
  2. Malzahn lovers: USNA (3-7) knocks off #20 UCF (8-2) 17-14 in Orlando

    I'm not in favor of Malzahn myself, but I certainly wouldn't disqualify him based on the result of one game, and a conference game at that. Every team suffers a game or two each year where they drastically underperform.
  3. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    It doesn't really matter who gets credit because it was a team effort among the staff. I seem to remember that Kyle "The Ambassador" Jackson was very important for holding the class together and preventing defections.
  4. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    It's sort of like saying my business won't hire any Germans because Hitler is from Germany.
  5. GT/Miami roll call.

    I will be there with a friend. Last home game in nearly 10 months, so be there if you can.
  6. Option Football

    I think Texas A&M has been ravaged by injuries this year, similar to our 2015 season.
  7. Option Football

    Looks no worse not working than the UVA game did this year. Any offense not working will bring out the boo birds. There were boos for the offense at the UVA game.
  8. Your choice for Head Coach

    Maybe UGA will work with us so we can give all our coaching candidates a dress rehearsal scrimmage against the Dwags. Lose and you're out.
  9. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    We're not likely to recruit, play, or win at the same level as Alabama no matter who we hire.
  10. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    He made a detailed post based on data saying why BOB is one of the coaches he likes as a candidate. And you just accused him of nepotism because your opinion differs. 🙄
  11. Andrew Thacker

    The FSU game was definitely a reality check. Gave up over 600 yards and FSU never punted. We did get a 4th down stop and 2 turnovers, (1 of which was a goal line gift), but it was pretty rough. Offense did them no favors. However, 1 bad game in 5 since the coaching change is a big...
  12. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    Either that, or he is licking his chops at the prospect of coaching against him in the same division every year. I don't think I'd be commenting on who should be hired to coach a team that is on your schedule every year. Especially if they do hire him and he regularly beats you.
  13. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    I also heard he tried to spray Buzz with wasp and hornet killer.

    There is a $50 minimum for your gift to be eligible for a match.

    I like that the first thing you see, even before the article starts, are links to give and to make a commitment. If you're asking for money, make it as easy as possible to donate.
  16. Let's do something different ( Who do you NOT want as a head coach at Tech)

    Just a few? There are enough names on that list to fill out a starting offense and defense.
  17. Wake Forest has shown us the way forward.

    Not quite the same, but I took the Science Fiction english class my graduating senior quarter. We met once a week in a bar (PJ Haley's Nest). You had to read a book per week though. Not sure how long it was before GT decided that having a class in a bar while drinking was probably not a good...
  18. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    You mean, like do research to back a logical argument? Posting a quickie opinion based on what you're feeling at the moment is so much easier.
  19. Bigfoot, logical fallacies, Sims, Reggie Ball, and Game Prep

    As fans, we couldn't help but watch the entire game. As brutal as it was, we were one big (magical?) play away from having an option of tying or going for 2 to win, and it was not technically over until the last play of the game (no comment on that).
  20. AD Hire: J Batt

    Most colleges and universities are seeing a sharp decline in applicants and enrollees because the outrageously high cost of attendance is catching up with them. People are less likely to take on the student loans to end up in with a low quality degree that does not give them enough salary to...