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  1. Chase Young

    He's a guy that might actually be a difference maker. The Falcons have been great at identifying difference makers on the offensive side, but have missed so many times on the defensive side. This could push them over the edge. Go get him!
  2. Chase Young

    if the Falcons think he can be anything close to Lawrence Taylor, they are idiots not to go after him. When I here once in a lifetime, That's who I think of!
  3. Roman Reigns takes shot at Goldberg

    Agree McIntyre beats Brock! But I would love the build up to a Reigns - Rollins match. So many ways they could spin it.
  4. Quarterback for next year

    I was there with the family. A great win. I remember thinking that the Tech staff out coached Auburn. Loved it!
  5. Quarterback for next year

    Reggie Ball started day 1. He beat Auburn his freshman year. Can't remember if it was the first or second game. I believe Auburn was highly ranked at the time.
  6. Thoughts? Could Collins turn the program around faster than expected?

    I'm not sure I understand. You're saying that we are still concerned about academics, but we have offered the 8th most kids in the country. I'm all for better recruiting, but I find it hard to believe that we have found over 220 kids that can handle the academics of GT. Not to mention have the...
  7. Thoughts? Could Collins turn the program around faster than expected?

    I'm not sure of what we did in the past, but if we are 8th in offers right now, I don't think academics are a hurdle any more. Sounds like Coach Collins has been given a lot of freedom to get guys in, which is a great business decision since there is so much money for the Institute on the line.
  8. This is ridiculous

    Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. 10 years after both of UGA's national championships, we won one of ours.
  9. I'm really sorry for Nessler and Daniels

    Looks like UGA picked the wrong QB! Fields is in the playoffs. I wouldn't be upset if they lost also!!!!!
  10. I'm really sorry for Nessler and Daniels

    I know the score is only 20-3, but if you just watched it without seeing the score, you would think it's a lot worse.
  11. I'm really sorry for Nessler and Daniels

    Score should be worst. They missed a pass interference call in the end zone. The UGA DB was definitely pulling the LSU WR's jersey. I hate UGA!! Two favorite teams are Tech and whoever is playing the DWAGS!
  12. Uni combo

    The jersey is wet from the rain. Very wet that day.
  13. CGC Post Game Interview

    George O'Leary once said GT wants to be Harvard Monday through Friday and FSU on Saturday. Unfortunately we know it doesn't work like that. He knew it and that's why he wanted to leave. Everyone can say all they want about O'Leary. Ralph will be the first one to tell you that he was a great FB...
  14. Question about recruiting

    We can't sell out our stadium without UGA coming to town. I didn't see a section that wasn't a Penn State section last night. We will always have the other schools colors spread out in our stadium. White outs or gold outs don't look the same when you have orange or red all over the place.
  15. Dave Patenaude's Offense

    You can do the same thing, but out of multiple formations. Not rocket science.
  16. Has fan apathy already set in?

    No, I did not feel good about him. Unfortunately, I did feel good about Hewitt. Pastner coaches basketball, which isn't nearly as important in the south. Most Tech people don't pay attention to the basketball program anymore. I did think Hewitt would be here forever. I was wrong and...
  17. Has Georgia Tech Football entered the Bill Lewis Era part II?

    Yes Apathy has set in. It's only going to get worst. This Coach is in over his head. He hasn't surrounded himself with capable people. This will probably get ugly. Fire him now! Hire a football coach, not some used car salesman. We can win a press conference, but this guy will never really...
  18. The last two postgame PC

    "Look, I told you so!" "They suck and this is going to be ugly for a long time "! Every game is ammunition for other schools. I hate it. Coach Collins is in over his head. This is bad. If anyone is to stubborn to identify this, it's sad. This year is a waste. Don't let the following years...
  19. The last two postgame PC

    I know. I understand that, but my fear is we lose recruits if we let this continue. We have to appear to know there is an issue and we are going to address it. You think there was negative recruiting against PJ, just wait. The ACC is licking their chops. They can't wait to slam GT. Right now...
  20. The last two postgame PC

    Look, I'm a complicated person. I love Paul Johnson and option football, but also after the Duke game, I was on this site complaining about the talent gap. We use to get the type of kid Duke is getting right now. They were more physical than we were. That shouldn't happen when you run a spread...