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  1. 2020 Ticket Exchange

    I have 2 available for Friday. Section 215, Row 15. Row 15 is actually like row 7 or 8 above the walkway. $100 for the pair.
  2. GT vs UCF Uniform Reveal

    I highly doubt we even have a "whiteout" this year considering 80% of the stadium will be filled with metal bleachers. A "silver" out may be more appealing.
  3. GT vs UCF Uniform Reveal

    We do have white and gold cleats, or did last year at least. I'm sure we'll see some of those tomorrow. Some guys just like to wear different shoes. IIRC, Mason had on his gray cape day cleats last week.
  4. GT vs FSU Uniform Reveal

    And I'm not trying to argue that you guys should like the blue, I get it that it doesn't suit everyone, but it just does seem like a lot of outrage when we don't do it often. Last year we wore: @Clemson - G/W/G USF - W/W/W Citadel - W/G/W @Temple - G/W/W UNC - G/Gray/Gray @Duke - G/W/W @Miami...
  5. GT vs FSU Uniform Reveal

    They don't look any different to me. Other than white helmets vs. gold helmets.
  6. GT vs FSU Uniform Reveal

    CGC likes to mix things up and tries not to duplicate. I'm sure we already have a game planned to wear white on white, he didn't want to go with gold pants because FSU will be in gold pants, so the only choice left is blue pants.
  7. GT vs FSU Uniform Reveal

    What other game did we wear them in? We wore them in 2018 against Duke at home, and wore all blue in the bowl game that year. Then last year we wore all blue against NCState with white helmets.
  8. GT vs FSU Uniform Reveal

    This is the argument I don't get. We aren't pushing it as our main color. This is likely the only game we wear blue pants this season. We wore them once last season. The vast majority is white and gold, with the one-off gray and gold that was for the CHOA cape day game.
  9. Antonneus Clayton injured?

    You don't normally wear a hospital gown in a doctor's office or clinic though.
  10. Anybody able to get any work done today?

    Today???? I haven't been able to do much all week!
  11. Stansbury comments on season tickets

    What kind of dumb ish is that? You will have people riding in the same car with tickets together that have to sit 6 feet apart from each other? They can't figure out how to do blocks? Morons.
  12. Starting QB speculation

    That's another reason I asked about where that photo came from. If it was from them arriving back on campus, it makes sense that Graham isn't with them. If it's more recent, it's sort of odd that he isn't. The pants and shirts would make me think it's more recent but who knows nowadays.

    Yeah I just meant in regards to him not being at C. I don't think that is particularly because of his injury. My understanding is Minihan has shined there and for that they have moved Cooper down to G mostly.

    No, I believe Minihan has excelled at C an Cooper has been working a lot at G.
  15. Starting QB speculation

    What is this pic from anyway? Rolling out the gold carpet I see.
  16. Week 1 Media #GTvsFSU

    Usually Thursday or Friday.
  17. GT ATL Hats

    Everybody isn't an alumni.
  18. Starting QB speculation

    CDP literally said yesterday that they have named a starter internally and the plan is for him to play the whole game, unless he needs to come out to settle down or anything. He also said he has a game plan for the next guy up also in case the first one isn't working well, gets injured, etc.
  19. Starting QB speculation

    Where did he say this? I don't see it.
  20. Starting QB speculation

    From all reports I've seen Gleason is the one that knows the offense best. He's the only one I've heard CDP mention that can execute the entire playbook. Sounds like a day 1 guy to me right there.