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  1. Nobody Cares

    So does the list get burned tomorrow or has it already been renamed the “we were right” list ?
  2. Stansbury and Collins Dismissed

    Our long national nightmare will soon be over
  3. Roddy Jones Says It All

    Who is though at this point ?
  4. Week 4 #GTvsUCF Media

    CGC never delivers on his promises. It's year 4. He won't ever deliver on his promises... He doesn't have the ability to do so.
  5. Week 4 #GTvsUCF Media

    I know we aren't supposed to / allowed to deliver even the mildest of pejoratives towards our HC, but is there any one thing that he has said that he has actually delivered ? It is a constant litany of things we say we do but we do not ever see the evidence in the games when it matters. What...
  6. Thacker should be done

    But not firing him was indicative of the source of all of our problems, agreed ?
  7. That should be Geoff’s last game as head coach

    Sh**t. USF would beat us by three TDs right now
  8. 10-27 under Geoff Collins

    “I still think we can win every game. That’s what real GT fans should do”
  9. Where is the Post game Coach's press conference ?

    Buh Buh CG3. It’s time for you to go. Sorry for all of those that have been carrying his water but I don’t think he has anyone left to defend him
  10. It’s ugly, but I noticed some good things.

    Where’s the get back coach with his warehouse of crow to serve ?
  11. Geoff Collins worst GT coach of all time

    This. He turned me off on day 2 and I hoped I was wrong. I wasn’t. CGC is incompetent as a HC and now everyone can see it
  12. Ole Miss @ GT

    I believe we can win every game that we haven’t yet played….
  13. Week 3 #MISSvsGT Media

    There were none for Daniels either. So you have a live coaches show and there are no questions. That seems less than a great indication of enthusiasm
  14. Week 3 #MISSvsGT Media

    I'm about 2/3 of the way through. Did the end up taking any quesitons ? I didn't hear any for CGC
  15. #WCUvsGT Postgame Discussion

    Huh ??? Did you think tonight went welll ?
  16. Week 2 #WCUvsGT Media

    Fair enough
  17. Week 2 #WCUvsGT Media

    But what’s incorrect ? He can’t coach when he hypes and can’t coach when he doesn’t.
  18. Week 2 #WCUvsGT Media

    Can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, then. The guy’s just not a HC
  19. Week 2 #WCUvsGT Media

    Weak sauce
  20. Deion/ GT having discussion?

    He works Every. Single. Day. With relentless effort so he can’t be lazy. (And no, I would not ever think him or call him lazy. He’s just not good at his job)