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  1. gte447f

    COFH hoops edition

    Looked like they had a pretty good (and loud) crowd in stegeman. I hope that our sellout crowd at McCamish isn't a home crowd for the freaking mutts. Please, if you are able, come to the game and get loud for the Jackets.
  2. gte447f

    COFH hoops edition

    YES! Mutts lose! They scored 47 in the first half and were up by 14, then they only scored 27 in the second half. Way to go AZ State!
  3. gte447f

    COFH hoops edition

    Mutts have put up over a hundred in a game this year, and have 47 points at the half right now against a 7-1 #20 ranked AZ State team. On the other hand, we have maybe the top defense in the ACC so far this year by the numbers. Should we be able to handle this mutt team? Please yes.
  4. gte447f

    Improving Georgia Tech Athletics - Crowdsourced Ideas

    I didn't see the naming rights idea on the google doc yet, last time I checked, so I am commenting here as a place holder: I am against the naming rights idea for our athletic facilities. First time poster, btw. Nice to be here.