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  1. OldJacketFan

    Fan Day Roll Call.

    Hope the grand youngin is okay!!!! Priority that for sure!
  2. OldJacketFan

    Fan Day Roll Call.

    TStan's email is [email protected] send your concerns directly to him!
  3. OldJacketFan

    Fan Day Roll Call.

    Then you and any others that had issues need to bring them to TStan's attention, please.
  4. OldJacketFan

    Demetris Robertson

    You know you can't teach a dwag anything other than how to lay down and roll over. By nature and inbreeding an english bulldog is one of the stupidest creatures on God's green earth. Just ask Sonny Siler
  5. OldJacketFan

    Georgie paying players?

    Need some cheese with the whine gnadlicker?
  6. OldJacketFan

    Demetris Robertson

    So why don't you take you happy little a** back over to dawgnation and cozy up with the rest to the toothless inbreeds?
  7. OldJacketFan

    Fan Day Roll Call.

    As much as I wanted to be there I am not making it :( Still dealing with issues from my accident but come hell or high water I will be the when the season kicks off!!!!
  8. OldJacketFan

    Demetris Robertson

    Don't know for certain, that was the only thing I've seen/read about his transfer
  9. OldJacketFan

    Demetris Robertson

    Ostensibly due to his mother's illness IIRC
  10. OldJacketFan

    Fall Camp Thread

    Damn I hate hearing this! Hoping it's not too serious.
  11. OldJacketFan

    Atlanta Braves News

    Gausman pitched a gem last night 94 pitches, 71 strikes, 1 run 8Ks. Really excited about how he's going to fit into the rotation going forward.
  12. OldJacketFan

    Writer believes there's a chance Paul Johnson steps away after season?

    That is such bulls**t, go and look at the offer lists for Tech recruits over the last 3-4 years. You'll see that the likes of MTSU and Furman, rarely if ever appear as schools that are under any consideration. Wake and Vandy perhaps a bit more considered but even these are lower level choices...
  13. OldJacketFan


    Trans Am ;)
  14. OldJacketFan

    Adidas Swag watch 2018

    Sitting here looking at my gold polo and I really like the color! It is a richer, deeper gold and I think it shows very well!
  15. OldJacketFan

    Fall Camp Thread

    My understanding is that he will he full go for practice at week 1, I suspect it will take a little more time to be game ready
  16. OldJacketFan

    Fall Camp Thread

    Cooper is weight bearing and running, looks like he will be practicing around the week of Game 1
  17. OldJacketFan

    Writer believes there's a chance Paul Johnson steps away after season?

    You may well be right simply as the east will be tougher this year but they have a damn good QB and we know what kind of D Mason can put together.
  18. OldJacketFan

    Writer believes there's a chance Paul Johnson steps away after season?

    Vandy may not be looking for a new HC ;) Gotta give the man the season Mike, really! And as a side note Fedora wouldn't get the time of day from the Vandy powers that be
  19. OldJacketFan

    Writer believes there's a chance Paul Johnson steps away after season?

    Why is anyone giving this hack writer any credence at all? Are the ANY indications PJ is contemplating walking away or is it mere speculation on anyone's part? I hate these kind of threads going into a season SMDH
  20. OldJacketFan

    Fall Camp Thread

    Do you think PJ would burn his redshirt unless he's in the top 3? He's not going to sniff the field this year at QB so slide him into a position that plays to his athleticism and see what he can do during camp and early games ;)