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  1. Why do we stay with Russell Athletic?

    did you happen to get told a number? $$$?
  2. Why do we stay with Russell Athletic?

    I haven't read the whole thread, but I was wondering if there is any idea when a new deal might be announced?
  3. My 2017 MLB Predictions

    I figured. Just messing with you
  4. My 2017 MLB Predictions

    Those aren't the right results. Here are 2016 results . maybe you should try and predict the 2017 Mlb season best of luck.
  5. Bradley screws up again...

    where can I find that, in a quick search of the phrase it mainly shows Bum Phillips talking about Bear Bryant.
  6. Rothstein . . .

    Writers are paid to get attention in the internet age. If the views are because of well researched and insightful pieces great, but if the views are for asinine or just incendiary comments that works too. Both bring in advertisers and that's what brings in the money.
  7. Youth Trip, ACC Politics, Personal Decisions

    I'm not trying to attack anyone with this question, but do you think Jesus would not go to the game for the reason you have given?
  8. First play Thursday?

    fake B-back dive to A-back counter dive ...I don't know a better name for that play
  9. Kaepernick

    Ok just a couple things. As you noted this is not in the gt football forum and if the mods would like to move this I have no problem with that. Second, he is not the second string wb as the starter has not been named yet. Third, maybe he is not the best spokesman but at least he is speaking up...
  10. Kaepernick

    How can you discuss how someone said something, without also addressing what he said?
  11. Kaepernick

    @RonJohn That's true but MLK Jr also had to be convinced to take such a leadership role as he did not want to at first. The guy is 25 years-old. He doesn't have all the answers right now, he is learning what it means to be a leader on a civic issue on the fly. Maybe this is where his start...
  12. Kaepernick

    Also even if you think America is the best country to exist so far, don't you want it to keep getting better?
  13. Kaepernick

    Well as you have deduced I do agree with him in some regard. I'm not too bothered by the manner in which he decided to protest. I'm not sure of his exact rational. It could have been just a personal stance that to be true to his own convictions on the state of certain aspects of the American...
  14. Kaepernick

    More specifically how do you find his views ignorant and not simply opposing to your own?
  15. Kaepernick

    What about his views do you find ignorant? and Why? if you don't mind sharing
  16. Kaepernick

    Your use of slobberknocked did come across to me as the other team aiming to injure, so if you simply mean football play then let it be...but the way it is worded sounds vindictive. Also you do have the right to disagree with him, I don't think that anyone is against that, it was that by using...
  17. Kaepernick

    I can agree that we should not sacrifice truth for the sake of emotional satisfaction. What would you then say is the proper diagnosis of the problem and blame? And what should be done if anything?
  18. Kaepernick

    I do not think that it is a disgrace to the oppression that has been overcome, I believe that it is an attempt to continue that work. While the laws have changed and have done so much, there appears to still be some level of unequal treatment towards minorities specifically by some in law...
  19. Kaepernick

    I disagree with you on multiple. And I don't want to get into a shouting match with you. I can tell that this means a lot to you, and that standing during the national anthem is equivalent to respecting those who serve in the military. That's fair. However, does it not also means standing for...
  20. What We Know

    Which current player?