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  1. OldJacketFan

    Atlanta Braves News

    Good top of the 1st for Tooki, Evoldi working hard in the bottom of the 1st
  2. OldJacketFan

    The most disappointing stat from yesterday was...attendance.

    As did every team/conference in D1
  3. OldJacketFan


    Yes they did, I believe they moved to VA
  4. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    Fair enough
  5. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    Whatever, you're not worth the time or effort if you're not willing to learn. Known a lot of folks just like you in my life and I'm going to do with you what I've done with them. So have a nice day, I'm sure your such a ray of sunshine to those around you.
  6. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    Is it? Golly gee, I guess it might be at that. No what I said was "Does they ever sound hyper critical and smart a** to you"
  7. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    Forgive me, agreeing with coaches doesn't come across as knowing more than them it's what the multiple posts of your that dog the players and what they did on the field Saturday. Personal attacks? Please I haven't called you any derogatory names, I have simply brought to the forefront you may...
  8. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    You just can't or won't see how your crappy attitude comes through in your posts. I can't help you with that. As I said you need to learn how criticize without it coming across as a know it all and/or a personal attack. Do you proofread out loud your posts before you hit enter? Does they ever...
  9. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    Yes and? He wasn't happy, did I or anyone else say he should have been?
  10. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    Oh I'm sure you are chief, you probably ought to be a D1 HC or OC.
  11. OldJacketFan

    GT Alcorn At Game Survey From GTAA

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I can never unsee that! SMDH :confused::confused::confused::confused:
  12. OldJacketFan

    Atlanta Braves News

    Yep but ain't it fun????? :D
  13. OldJacketFan

    Dedrick Mills Went off

    One of the biggest hurdle to him coming back. or anyone else for that matter, is he would be too far behind academically. I doubt the course work he's been doing would transfer to Tech
  14. OldJacketFan

    2018 Season to Date

    How you become the "enemy"? You flatter yourself but if you want a clue go back and read your post above and your posts since Saturday. Your focus has been solely on how "bad" TM and the team played. You have tore down the starting QB and trashed those around him. Guess what, that doesn't set...
  15. OldJacketFan

    Miami Belongs In The SEC

    Just like last night with loserville, I absolutely DESPISE Boobie Petrino and wish Bama had beat them even worse!
  16. OldJacketFan

    Miami Belongs In The SEC

    Was listening to Atl sports talk on the way back to Nashville this morning, one of the mid day guys on 92.9 is a big duh u fan and they had him running his mouth about duh U being back yada, yada, yada
  17. OldJacketFan

    USF fan in Woodstock

    Nashville reminds of Atlanta 25 years ago, everything you could want from a housing, employment and entertainment standpoint with much less problems. It seems as if the leadership here over the last 15 years has learned a lot from what happened to Atlanta
  18. OldJacketFan

    Miami Belongs In The SEC

    Sorry ain't rooting for the right Rev Richt and the cocaine cowboys from Duh U
  19. OldJacketFan

    USF fan in Woodstock

    One of the reasons I'm in Nashville ;)
  20. OldJacketFan

    USF fan in Woodstock

    Yep! I left Cobb in 1988 when my 1st wife and I went to So California, moved back in 1997 and it floored me! We obviously had been back for visits but really didn't lock into the explosive growth