Recent content by wishbone

  1. wishbone

    Funny Stuff

  2. wishbone

    So what did Joseph do?

    Meanwhile, Perdue retired her Jersey #22
  3. wishbone

    So what did Joseph do?

  4. wishbone

    GT v USF First Play?

    That little wheel route thingie that we opened with for 6 against MTSU a few years back.
  5. wishbone

    USF Hype Video

    Taking a knee used to be about this...
  6. wishbone

    Juanyeh Thomas Is Fun To Watch

    from Niceville, Florida.
  7. wishbone


    Feet tied , float, then dive to bottom of pool and pick up rubber brick (deep end). Arms tied , float, and then dive to bottom of pool and pick up rubber ring/donut with teeth. With arms and legs tied, float, pick up ring again. Final exam: Swim 2 lengths under water. From wall no dive start...
  8. wishbone


    Great class. Coach: "There are sinkers and floaters...everyone in the water and we'll find out..." Geez... I forgot about gymnastics..the two rings - iron cross ? hell I was happy to hit the rings for a "y". I remember the track class. Bobby Dodd was astro turf, the south end zone curved to the...
  9. wishbone

    USMC joins the “give them all a trophy club”

    BTW military life is Socialism.
  10. wishbone

    the Juggler

    old video but funny
  11. wishbone

    Is the Greatest Generation the greatest?

    Unfortunately our military has become a disconnected caste in our society. "Thank you for your service" too easily fills in for a remarkable lack of knowledge of what they do for us and the cost. Off topic...consider compulsory military/social service. Military, Peace Corps, Habitat, any thing...
  12. wishbone

    ****hole Countries

    Geez. Immigration is a process. Sorry, no free pass for cutting in line.
  13. wishbone

    God bless our military vets and the men and women who serve.

    It's also good day to to pray to heal the souls of all of our soldiers. Not just about those who have fallen. Imagine having to deploy and then kill and then have to come home and "be" normal.
  14. wishbone


  15. wishbone


    On Netflix. FBI after Son of Sam, struggling to create it's behavioral unit. Wife and I enjoyed it a lot. Resisted the binge, will watch all week. Check it out.